How To Start An Argumentative Essay Examples – Being able to present your arguments and express your point of view during a debate or discussion is a key skill. It is not for nothing that educational institutions give priority to works of this type for all students. If you’re not very good at delivering a persuasive message to your audience, this guide is for you. It will teach you step by step how to successfully write an argumentative essay. So, read on and get the basic knowledge.
An argumentative essay is an article that forces the reader to accept the author’s side of the argument as valid. The purpose of this particular essay is to ask a question and answer it with convincing evidence. At its core, this type of essay works to defend a particular point of view. The key, however, is that the topic of an argumentative essay has multiple sides that can be explained, weighed, and evaluated with the help of relevant sources.
How To Start An Argumentative Essay Examples
It’s important not to confuse an argumentative essay with a persuasive essay – although both seem to have the same goal, their methods are slightly different. While a persuasive essay is there to convince the reader (to choose your side), an argumentative essay is there to present information that supports a claim.
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Simply put, it explains why the author chose that side of the argument, and a persuasive essay does everything it can to convince the reader to agree with your point of view.
Now that everything is clear, let’s move on to our topic – how to write an argumentative essay. As you can easily understand, everything starts with the right argument. First, let’s define the types of arguments available and the strategies you can pursue.
If you delve into the types of arguments, the vocabulary suddenly becomes quite “lawyerly”; and this makes sense, since lawyers bet their entire earnings on their ability to win arguments. So put yourself in the role of a lawyer and learn about the five types of arguments you can study in an argumentative essay:
This article explores a controversial interpretation of a particular definition; the article explores what the world actually means and how it can be interpreted in different ways.
Writing Argumentative Essay
This argumentative essay examines whether a certain fact is true; often looks at several sources reporting a single fact and checks their credibility.
This is a favorite argumentative essay in public administration and sociology classes; This document looks at the specific policy, who it affects and what (if anything) needs to be done about it.
This essay identifies a particular value or belief and then examines how and why it is important to a particular group or larger general population.
When thinking about how to approach an argumentative task, you should know that there are three main argumentative strategies for how to argue an issue: classical, Rogerian, and Toulmin.
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This argument structure goes back to the ancient Greeks and Romans. In this strategy, the arguer presents the problem, provides context, articulates the claim, provides key arguments supported by ample evidence, and refutes counterarguments with valid data.
Clash of hate? This can be an argumentative paper strategy for you. In essence, this strategy is aimed at identifying aspects of compromise for both parties; this approach is aimed at finding common ground and final agreement between the two parties, rather than declaring winners or losers. The focus of this argument is compromise and respect for all parties.
Remember Spock? This is his kind of strategy; Toulmin’s approach focuses exclusively on the logic of audience persuasion. It contains a large amount of data and often relies on qualities to narrow the focus of the claim and strengthen the author’s position. This approach also tends to rely on exceptions that clearly place limits on the parameters of the argument, making it easier to agree on a particular point of view.
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How To Write An Argumentative Essay In 90 Minutes
An argumentative essay follows a typical essay format: introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. However, body paragraphs are structured somewhat differently than other body paragraphs. Of course, this is not something you can see in the cae and effect essay plan.
Although the introduction should still begin with an attention-grabbing sentence that grabs the reader’s interest and keeps them reading and provides key background information, the following paragraphs focus on specific aspects of the argument.
As the title suggests, this paragraph provides all the background information a reader unfamiliar with the topic of an argumentative essay needs to understand what it is all about. A reliable introduction should:
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How To Write An Argument Essay
Body paragraphs can be anywhere from six to fifteen sentences or more. The purpose of these paragraphs is to support theses. Recommended focus areas for body paragraphs in an argumentative paper include:
One of the essential differences of this essay from other types is its specificity. By the end of reading such an essay, the audience should have a clear understanding of the issue or controversy and have enough information to make an informed decision about the issue. But what makes an audience make an informed decision? A few things!
In this passage, often the shortest of all passages, the writer discusses his most compelling reasons for taking a particular position on an issue. The persuasion here should be strong and the author should use aggressive language, including examples such as:
It is also desirable to refute the potential opposition in the agreement. Addressing objections readers may have and explaining why they should be dismissed; the conclusion resonates more strongly with the reader.
Argumentative Essay Example For O Level
Sample Argumentative Essay Be sure to check out the sample essays compiled by our writers. This is an example for writing your own argumentative essay. Link: Argumentative essay on the moral rights of white rappers to perform.
Remember, the key to winning any debate is to have reliable sources – the better, the more reliable your sources are, the more likely the audience will consider a point of view different from their own.
And while you may feel deeply passionate about a particular subject, be aware that emotions can be messy; this essay should respectfully present all sides of the argument and with the clear intention of presenting each honestly.
Let the data, statistics and facts speak loud and clear for themselves. And don’t forget about confident speech – such diction is essential to any strong argumentative writing!
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Due to human nature, we draw premature conclusions only when life teaches us a lesson because the experiences of others are not as effective and powerful. Therefore, by analyzing and dissecting the typical problems we face, we can draw a parallel with famous characters from books or real historical figures. In addition, we often compare our situations with […]
Writing an ethical research paper is not an easy task, especially if you don’t have good writing skills and don’t like to think about controversial topics. But the ethics course is mandatory at all universities, and students have to find a way out and be creative. When you discover that […]knowing how to formulate a good argument is the core of expressing your ideas and opinions, but actually arguing your opinion is difficult. Contrary to what people on the internet keep believing, the fight isn’t about who’s louder or more verbose. An argumentative essay is a great way to learn how to create and develop meaningful arguments, but where do you even begin?
This may sound like many other essays that technically require you to make an argument, such as expository essays, critical essays, and persuasive essays. Unlike these essays, argumentative essays require a lot more research, which can include published sources along with more empirical research (surveys of students, surveys of experts, or even experiments).
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Argumentative essays also take a specific stance on debatable topics. While a typical essay thesis might include something closer to “I disagree with the themes of this novel, and here’s a close read to explain why,” an argumentative essay takes a position on a debatable issue (“I think dogs should have the right to vote”). The former relies more on emotion, while the latter is more about hard numbers, data and quantitative research.
Although you have some wiggle room, the structure and format of an argumentative essay is fairly rigid. Basically, you state your argument and then provide all of your evidence to support that argument. There is certainly room for personal reflection and interpretation, but you mostly want to focus on your arguments and evidence.
Depending on the page or word requirements of your essay, you can
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