What Do You Need To Start Your Own Clothing Brand

What Do You Need To Start Your Own Clothing Brand – I was full of fear when I went to my boss. We were outside, having left the office open on a hot summer afternoon for some privacy.

The next few weeks were a whirlwind of transferring projects, documenting everything I could for my colleagues, and saying goodbye.

What Do You Need To Start Your Own Clothing Brand

What Do You Need To Start Your Own Clothing Brand

I left this office for the last time on June 28, 2018, and entered the world of business full time.

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. I wrote it in the evenings, weekends and lunch breaks. I wrote every chance I got; I jotted down memos to write later when I was in line at the grocery store, or added notes on my phone when something came to me that I thought should be included in the book.

I started writing in March, submitted the book to a publisher in October and published it in January 2018.

It sounds so simple when I say it, right? But the truth is that many times I thought that this book would never be written, let alone published.

I have three children. In 2017, my oldest son was in second grade, the middle one was in kindergarten, and the baby was three years old.

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That year I worked over 40 hours a week in a technical/project management position. My husband was away for work.

That year, my grandfather – also an engineer – had serious health problems throughout the year and passed away before the holidays.

However, I managed to write an 80,000 word book draft which you will edit below into a 60,673 word book.

What Do You Need To Start Your Own Clothing Brand

Out of a need to help other women, to make sure that what I learned the hard way no one else had to learn the same way, I hit the publish button in January 2018.

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Even though I had a guide along the way, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I got 1000 downloads in the first week, and within 30 days of posting, I had two requests to speak to groups of young professionals. I took a day off to share the empowering message of

And while working full time while preparing the book was not tiring, the process showed me that I might be able to turn the book into something else. Maybe I could build a mission-based company that could change the lives of thousands of engineers for the better.

For the past few months I have been considering what my company could look like. I worked to find a mentor so I could better understand the pitfalls of taking on business.

I was both nervous and excited, but I knew this was the right adventure for me, and the best I could do if I wanted to make the biggest impact in the industry. It’s time to not just take a small cruise, but to dive off the cliff into the unknown.

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The only statistic more depressing than the percentage of women in engineering is the number of small businesses that start and fail.

The business path is also notorious for demanding long hours. The reality is that most new business owners should expect to work more for less money, with the possibility of failure.

For these reasons and more, entrepreneurship was a path I didn’t even consider an option for years.

What Do You Need To Start Your Own Clothing Brand

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When I imagine an entrepreneur, I think of visionary and inspirational people like Elon Musk, Oprah or Steve Jobs… after they came up with a name. I think of an entrepreneur as an inventor, or someone who thrives on taking risks.

These qualities cannot exceed who I am. I’ll take calculated risks, but I’m generally a risk-averse person. My creativity is more about problem solving, teaching, coaching and writing than holding patents.

In addition, I enjoyed my work in design / project management in the technical field of engineering. I also enjoyed, at least for a while, the sense of security that came with working with other people.

I didn’t wake up one day and say, “Today I’m going to start my own business.” It was more like a whisper, “What if?” blurred behind.

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Over the years and many changes in my personal life, I found my work less challenging, unsatisfying and wanting to have more of an impact on the world. I felt a call to be more involved and develop a different approach to my vision.

That initial whisper turned into a roar when I learned that there are many entrepreneurs making a living and making a difference with an online business model that includes books, online courses, speaking engagements and virtual training. It started to feel like the pull I felt starting to write a book wasn’t just a one-off bucket list activity (which I originally thought it would be when I started writing).

Instead, it was like the first domino rolling in a long chain to an unknown destination.

What Do You Need To Start Your Own Clothing Brand

We’ve survived our first year in business (I’ve loved almost every minute of the journey so far!), and are well on our way to our second year.

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While I’m certainly not saying it’s got it all figured out, I thought it would be helpful to share four things I’ve learned on my entrepreneurial journey so far that you might find helpful if you’re considering starting up yourself again. day there.

Small businesses run by people under the age of 30 are twice as expensive as other businesses, according to researchers at MIT’s Sloan School of Management. You often have debt from school, and you don’t have enough self-awareness in your 20s to fully understand your strengths and abilities, which can put you at risk if you’re trying to start a business. In the rare case, you don’t have the cash reserves to weather the storm of jumping into a full-time business in your 20s.

I was 38 years old when I founded Engineers Rising LLC. I know very few companies make a profit for a year or two, and even then those profits need to be put back into the business.

Despite my general aversion to risk (which is a topic for an entire blog), my family and I were fine with it because we made good financial decisions, including prioritizing prioritizing saving, investing and living below our means.

How To Start Your Own Business

One of the main reasons I was able to make this promotion was because I wasn’t under the pressure of needing to make an immediate profit (which I don’t expect for most new businesses). I wasn’t immediately dependent on the company’s income to pay off debt or support my family.

This means I can focus on providing maximum value to those I serve and think about in the long term, which has been invaluable in positioning myself in the market.

I reinforced my business ideas with books and lectures before jumping into it full time, which gave me more confidence and certainty that I could succeed. This is a path I recommend for most engineers, especially if your business idea is related to information, consulting, or service-type products.

What Do You Need To Start Your Own Clothing Brand

The obvious exception is if you plan to start a business that competes with your current employer, or if you signed an employment contract stating that all of your intellectual property belongs to your employer. However, you can still establish your authority in your field by posting technical articles on LinkedIn or your employer blog.

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It costs very little to start a YouTube channel, website, blog or podcast on the right business topic. It’s easy to set up a store on Amazon, Shopify or Etsy. A book is a bit of a commitment, but it was a book that worked for me (it might not work for you).

These “side projects” are very time-consuming, but they are not difficult if you apply yourself and many things can be done automatically if you leave a small budget for the necessary automation software. If you want to be bad, take your time. If you can’t make the time… well, maybe entrepreneurship isn’t the right path for you.

More importantly, these types of projects force you to constantly step out of that comfort zone, a must for those considering the entrepreneurial path.

Many of today’s most successful entrepreneurs took years to build themselves. Overnight success stories are legends. Starting a side project early allows you to use your day job to support your dream, without the financial constraints of pursuing a ripe idea that may not even have a market.

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We’ve all heard the phrase, “If you build it, they will come.” This is rarely the case when you start a business, especially a service based one.

It’s like receiving

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