Starting My Own Blog Make Money

Starting My Own Blog Make Money – If you are here because you want to know how to start a blog that actually makes money. You’re in luck, friend!

This article explains everything you need to know. Including the important little things that no one seems to share until you’re six months into it and realize you did it all wrong!

Starting My Own Blog Make Money

Starting My Own Blog Make Money

Because the truth is, creating a new blog doesn’t have to be difficult. But creating a blog is there to help you make an impact and make money, right? It requires a little more research and work.

How To Start A Blog In 2023

And lucky for you I’ve done it all. (both right and wrong)…and I’m here to help you avoid the rookie mistakes that often come with starting a blog.

This is a long event, so grab a drink and get on your feet! And don’t forget to pin this kid for later. If you get distracted halfway through!

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Because we are talking about starting a blog to make money. (not a hobby blog) There are a few things we have to have in place from the start. Make sure you keep these two little things in mind before starting your blog.

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Before you start a blog, you should have a clear idea of ​​what you want to write about and who you want to write for. This is sometimes called your “niche” or “niche market.”

Don’t let these words scare you! Your niche is just the exact audience that wants or needs what you have to offer on your blog.

A monetized blog is not a personal journal where you share what’s on your mind. (Save it for hobby blogs) Blogs that make money are useful and relevant to a certain type of reader. And bloggers who make money always write for their readers.

Starting My Own Blog Make Money

De-focusing your blog will make your job easier in the long run. Because if you talk to the right people and help them according to their needs. It will lead to more blog traffic and revenue. (More on that later)!

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It’s okay to write about a few different topics, you just need to make sure that what you write is engaging and useful to your target audience.

For example, let’s say a food blogger has a niche market of readers who follow the ketogenic diet. She writes blog posts about the keto lifestyle. delicious food recipes Exercises suitable for keto weight loss Keto friendly shopping list etc.

She writes about many subjects. But all of these topics are interconnected and useful to her target readers. She is addressing a very specific problem for a very specific group of people. And as her blog grew and gained authority. She has also become known as the go-to person for all things keto.

When you have a clear picture of your target audience and their clear interests in your blog content. You can think more about the ultimate purpose of this blog: Yes, you want it to be useful to your readers. But what will it do for you?

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Success means something different to each of us. So we need to think about what we are trying to achieve with this blog in the long term.

Is this your own paid creative shop? Is this a side hustle that will hopefully replace your day job one day? Or will this be your full-time job? Starting today?

Of course, this answer will depend on your own circumstances, needs and goals. But the most important thing: if you want to make money from your blog. You need to see your blog as a real business.

Starting My Own Blog Make Money

This starts with putting your blog on a solid foundation. This will last and help you make an impact and make money.

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And just like any other successful business owner, Do you want to own, run and customize your business to your liking?… That’s what we’ll help you achieve in this step-by-step guide.

First, I want to clear up some crazy misconceptions about blogging…because there are a lot of them. And most of them are things you don’t need to stress about!

Sure, it takes some time, but really, this is something you can do in just one day. Compared to many startups, this is very fast.

We will clear up this misunderstanding in this article. As we explain the steps to start your blog today

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You can start your blog today by following the steps outlined below. It’s a bit of work. But if you follow the steps carefully it’s pretty straight forward.

And with the beauty of modern technology You should have everything set up and ready to go today!

In fact, starting a blog is one of the cheapest business ventures available today. (with the lowest cost too)

Starting My Own Blog Make Money

Yes, there are some small expenses that come with setting up a blog the right way. Because you want to be sure that you actually own the site. Have a professional web address and basic legal protection

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And we’ll break down all the necessary investments below. So please bear with me!

In fact, the income you earn from your blog depends on many factors. Including your specific channels business knowledge strategic efforts and your consistency

But there are many bloggers making five, six and seven figures from their blogs now.

In my personal case I’m on my way to building a profitable blog in less than a year, and now I have a handful of profitable blogs.

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Here are a couple of screenshots of the latest deposit (because yes, blogging income is real, baby, and I have proof right here)!

Not sharing to show off, not at all! It took a lot of hard work, sweat and tears to get here. I just want you to see the earning potential.

Bottom Line: There is still a lot of money to be made from blogging. And we’re about to get your blog set up and ready to start making that money sooner rather than later.

Starting My Own Blog Make Money

There are (7) basic things you need to do to start a blog the right way. (Profitable way) I’m sure there’s something we can fix at the bottom of this list later. But these are the most important things to set!

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It’s also the first thing people see when they find your blog post in Google search, and it’s what people type into the search bar when they want to find your latest posts.

The domain name you choose should be relevant to the content you are writing about. You should also include keywords where possible, and here’s why:

A clear domain name with keywords lets your potential readers know exactly what to expect on this blog. Before they even opened the page.

If it’s a fitness blog Having words like “exercise” or “health” or “exercise” in your domain helps readers know what your site is about. If it’s a blog about moms, it would be ideal to have “mother” or “mom” or “motherhood” in the domain.

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Try to make things as clear and simple as possible for your potential readers, because user experience really is everything!

A clear domain name with keywords helps Google (and other search engines) know what your blog is about. Remember: Google relies on keywords and website optimization to learn about your blog and determine when Where should your blog post be shared in search engines? So let Google help you and use your keywords!

A domain name that includes keywords related to your blog content is always a good idea. But if you’ve already bought a domain name and you’re upset that the keyword isn’t there, don’t worry just yet. You can still access it without using the updated domain name.

Starting My Own Blog Make Money

It is much easier to use a domain name that immediately makes sense to your audience and search engines.

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So at this point we assume you know what you want to write about and who you want to write for. We’re assuming you’ve already jotted down some ideas for possible domain names for your blog. And we assume that you are ready to spend a few dollars to buy your domain name.

This is not the time to be cute or unique. and if possible always choose a domain name ending in .com.

Now you should go directly to to type your domain name in the search field. Make sure you have a few options lined up.

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