Non Fiction Book Writing Software

Non Fiction Book Writing Software – I offer Scrivener. Check out the giveaway and sign up to get your copy of Scrivener. Contest ends Wednesday, February 22nd at 8pm MST.

When I’m working on my artwork or long-term non-fiction projects, my go-to software is Scrivener*. Let me preface this discussion by saying that I am in no way biased or biased towards the Literature and Latte people who created Scrivener. Like the rest of the world, I took my 40US$ (very reasonable in my opinion) to buy their version of the device. So it’s not free – I love this tool because it’s given me a new direction in my writing life.

Non Fiction Book Writing Software

Non Fiction Book Writing Software

For a long time, Scrivener was only available for Mac, and believe me, I didn’t need another reason to buy a Mac. However, I use a computer, and in early 2012 Literature and Latte released a complete computer program. You could argue that I jumped ship. Here are the top five reasons:

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1. Think of a whiteboard: When I think of a book, I use napkins, notebooks, iPhone notes, etc. I have a million ideas written down, and Scrivener gives me a place to store them all. We have established that we are a visionary (I love Pinterest). The Scrivener Dashboard provides a visual way to view and organize my events and ideas. I can add note cards, images, and audio clips and organize them however I want.

2. Writing Templates: Scrivener comes with built-in templates. When I start a new project, I can pull out a template for a book, short story, research proposal, or screenplay and be ready in minutes. You can create your own recipe file using Scrivener templates.

My favorite feature is the ability to create my own template. Yesterday we talked about the 4-part structure that most people use when writing a book. I’ve created my own 4-Part Template, with quotes from famous writers (like Larry Brooks and Anne Greenwood Brown) to remind you of things to think about when preparing events for with. I’ve also included character art templates, pages where I can track my character arcs, and even a place to post a description.

3. Location Ideas and Key Words: Do you have a great idea for a scene but don’t know where it fits into your story? In my book template, I have a folder of event ideas. The folder has two sections: “Comments that should be posted” and “Comments that should not be posted.” Setting moods are events that you know will occur at some point in the story. I don’t know if I remembered when or where. Irrelevant thoughts are a wrapper around other conversations that don’t make up the final part of the novel. These images can sometimes benefit from a rewrite, may end up in another book, or may never see the light of day outside of the “Ideas Not Posted” folder. I can tag the cards with keywords (they look like colored lines next to the tags) so I can sort them out as I search for that perfect scene from the romance three weeks ago. Find keywords and tags instantly.

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4. Platform management: Let’s take organizational performance first. Let’s say your stage ideas come to fruition. When inspiration strikes, you write the inspiring events—not writing sequentially, but wandering. It’s time to post one of your “Homeless” pictures. Open the Scene Ideas folder and drag the corresponding map to the appropriate chapter folder. Rearrange your chapter cards until the event. The best part? Scrivener edits your manuscript for you. If you need to print the text, it will appear where the new image is inserted. No cutting and pasting. There is no room in your 200-page manuscript to copy and paste a new event. Drag and drop the card and the entire image pops into place.

5. Search: I love Evernote and Pinterest and my Internet Explorer Favorites folder, but it’s hard to switch between five things in a row to find the right picture or fact. Scrivener’s Research Package is useful. I can save images, PDF files, movies, web pages and audio files in Scrivener. The split screen option allows you to view the file while simultaneously writing in the manuscript. This helped me when I spent hours writing interviews for my non-fiction book last summer.

I even have a Scrivener Project file for hobby project ideas. It includes long fiction, short fiction, theater, children’s fiction, essays and fairy tales. This is where I keep all my notes and ideas while I’m at work. Never fail, you’re working on the 2nd draft of a magazine article and an idea for a new book pops into your head. I open the Long Fiction folder and create a new file for the novel idea. I can spend 15 minutes writing notes and memorizing research links, and I know they’ll all be waiting for me when I’m done.

Non Fiction Book Writing Software

If you haven’t tried Scrivener, Literary, and Latte, there’s a free 30-day trial. You can download my 4-part book template. It might inspire you to finish your dream book or fuel your passion for a project.

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FYI – There are several other free Scrivener templates (here and here). One even uses a 4-part format. Mine is a little different because it includes lots of writing tips from professional writers who are masters of their craft. It also includes various maps of events, information about the development of events, etc. pick and choose the one that works best for you. Better yet, create content that fits your writing style and way of thinking.

Click here to download the Scrivener Template zip file. You will be prompted to save the file. Save the zip file to your computer or other convenient location. Extract the file and copy the entire folder to the same location. You must have a copy of Scrivener or the free trial version to use the template file.

File -> Save as Template -> Name the file “Novel STM 4-part” -> Select “Printer” category -> Click OK.

The next time you start a new project, the template will appear in your template options list. Take some time to play with the template. Expand all the folders to see the selections I made (locations, player pages, plot details, writing tips, etc.).

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*Some images in this post are from the Literature and Latte website to illustrate Scrivener features. Next, draw a wall of notes, and organize your ideas and research, world-building details, and plan the manuscript. You will never lose the project again.

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Non Fiction Book Writing Software

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Non Fiction Book Writing Software

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