How To Write Newsletter Email

How To Write Newsletter Email – “This course has incredible added value for me. I took a few other courses and read books, but having access to your feedback really put this course above everything else.”

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How To Write Newsletter Email

How To Write Newsletter Email

“I learned copywriting from great giants like AWAI, Dan Locke, RMCB, Ramit Sethi and Agora, but I can easily say that Karmin has the smartest and most accurate copywriting course.”

Free Email Newsletter Templates + Newsletter Examples

“Carmine is such a generous person, I can’t express how much I can thank him, especially for starting my own business.”

“I came across your videos on SEO at Dun Lock University. I was new to SEO and copywriting a few months ago and was lucky enough to learn the basics of SEO from you. I also came across your courses. With the same exact strategy. I got a full-time job at a SAAS startup through cold email. Thank you 🙂”

“Thank you for your course, it’s full of great advice and really helps me take this step forward.”

“Carmine has dramatically increased my sales and growth over the months. I am very grateful for his mentorship and what his online courses have done for me.”

Writing A Better Newsletter — Content Chop Shop

Carmine Mastropierro is a self-development, marketing and business coach who helps people transform their income, value, skills and success. A few weeks ago, Andy Fawcett, CEO of GMB Fitness, looked at a lot of marketers and said, “Don’t! always blow up your list.” We all know that. But Andy’s eyes said what we were all thinking. “I still can’t believe I have to say this to a group of marketers. “You should know better.” And so should we. “Inflating” your list is one of those basic email marketing violations that can get you banned from advanced marketing circles for life. Other violations include: using a “Hello friend” greeting, not segmenting your list, and “pushing” content to “spread the word.” Each of these violations forms a core element of the infamous “email newsletter.” You can get to know them better because you have them “marked as read” in your inbox. Self-respecting email marketers make fun of email. Newsletter. And yet…we’re seeing (dare I say it) a resurgence of great email newsletters popping up everywhere. If you don’t believe me, check your own inbox. How many of you look forward to Tim Ferriss’ “5-Bullet Friday” (and not-so-cleverly copied it yourself with “Friday’s Greatest Hits” or some other knock-off?) or Austin Kleon’s famous newsletter “10 Things Worth It.” are to be shared”. Or Ann Friedman’s The Ann Friedman Weekly, which also ships on Fridays. Yes, I thought that. The newsletter has its moment that asks a question. Why the hell do these work? Every business with internet access has tried to get a newsletter but failed miserably, boasting open rates that happily reached 17%. The vast majority of newsletters suffer the death knell of the email marketer. “Mark as read”. What do these newsletters do to make them work? I decided to investigate. Spoiler alert. The answers will (not) surprise you. In fact, they are so clearly visible in the #facepalm that you would kick yourself for not seeing them. I definitely did that. Here’s why email newsletters aren’t bad and how you can make sure your newsletter isn’t bad either. If you work at a traditional company, an email newsletter is probably your way to satisfy the CMO’s cravings to “spread the word” when he happens to decide he has to because he can’t do the hard work has done work to plan a proper launch. the job. or advertising strategy. That’s the wrong way. The right way is to focus exclusively on the people who make up your specific audience and deliver content that only they will appreciate. Again for emphasis. Deliver content that only a specific audience will enjoy. You don’t want everyone. exactly the right people. (Some sort of product/market fit is similar.) That’s why they don’t need to segment and can send ONE email to everyone. Their offerings are niche-oriented and specific. My favorite example of this is Gary’s guide. “A special ‘New York roundup’ of what’s happening in the New York tech scene.” It has the most comprehensive list of events, courses, A/B/Whatever funding updates, and job listings on the web. The best part. It looks like it hasn’t been updated since 1992. And yet it is considered one of the best sources for what is happening in the New York startup scene. That’s because it doesn’t try to be everything to everyone. Gary’s Guide is aimed only at startups and people looking to get into Manhattan’s tech scene. In other words, it’s niche AF. Tim Ferriss also takes up a lot of space despite his famous number of subscribers. His audience consists of biohackers and aspiring digital nomads and Tim delivers exactly what they want – the latest “hacks”, supplements, gadgets and of course stoicism!!! There are also some great nerd books and documentaries. If you’re not interested in these topics, you won’t appreciate his bullet points. Furthermore, these bullet points are personal in nature (we’ll get to that in #3). It’s like he’s your friend telling you what he reads, sees and hears. His readers don’t care that these are mostly affiliate links because they are so relevant and valuable to them. See. Again, it looks like he is your friend accidentally emailing you. And that’s fitting, because he knows his readers crave top performers and watch TED talks at double speed, so he adds the “watch and don’t rush” detail. Looks like he’s looking for you. These newsletters work because they are aimed at a small, specific group of people. Tim and Gary aren’t trying to please everyone – “in fact, they’re actively trying to annoy people.” For example, if you’re excited after reading this article and subscribe to the newsletters I present here, you’ll probably be disappointed , because they are not interested in pleasing you. They are interested in pleasing their people. 💌 The content is actually good. I told you that would be obvious. It can’t be saved, but everyone tries. So “Roundup” became a swear word., Refind and other tools have started automating the glare and sending you pure nonsense (or just too much). News outlets began white-labeling these automation services and claiming they were “dazzling,” but that wasn’t the case. Blending is manual picking. If you’re an art gallery curator, you don’t say “Eh, do it” and just slap something on the wall to cover your weekly allowance. Choosing means being discerning. Cautious. Methodical. Pensive. For example, this is a poorly edited photo. That doesn’t make sense here. Austin Cleon is the master of this. His references are thoughtful and relevant. You can tell he’s actually read what he recommends and isn’t putting the hard work of curating into his current job as a content manager (I suspect he has one, but you’d never know that from reading the newsletter) . Here’s an example of how he delivers high-quality curated content: This clicks to a new level. Instead of using a bait heading, he sets the hook. Who wouldn’t want to read this?!?! (Well, if you’re not in his shoes, you probably aren’t, but the question remains.) Cleon knows what interests his audience because it matters to him. He has built a career and a brand around creativity and art. And funny pictures. And he delivers. To meet this requirement, you must have a deep understanding of your audience and their concerns. If you’re asking, “How do I know what people are interested in?” Do yourself a favor, get an accounting degree, and call it a day. I’m not sure you can be saved. TL;DR: Don’t be lazy. Your audience trusts you to do the hard work to find diamonds in the rough. And they will reward you by coming back week after week. If you can’t deliver, tell me. “Mark as read”. 💌 Context: Context. Context. And personality. But above all, the context. Again, hmm. But let me explain before you close the screen and curse my name for telling you what you already know. The reason these “rounds” and “explosions” work is because they fit into a useful context. It’s not really a long list of boring titles that you delete. Let’s go into a little more detail about how Cleon does this. It’s like he’s texting you directly (“Hey guys”). He is talkative. Too many chips or too many buttons (here you see B2B). He doesn’t just link to the title of the article and move on. He tells you why you should watch it or why he did it. By linking the context, he plays off the content in a playful way. You don’t know what you’re getting until you click. He writes

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