How To Start Your Own Blog Website For Free – Thinking of starting a personal blog? Well, you’re in luck – we’re going to take you through the step-by-step process of how to start a blog and look at some examples of personal blogs to give you inspiration on your way to becoming a blogger.
When blogging started, all blogs were personal blogs. The word “blog” comes from “web log”. Basically, a blog is a diary of a person’s life kept on the Internet.
How To Start Your Own Blog Website For Free
There are still many bloggers who run personal blogs or blogs that are mostly about their own lives. This is a perfectly valid approach to blogging, but because it’s not as focused on making money as most other types of blogging, it doesn’t always get as much attention. Even if you decide to start a vlog (video blog) alongside your more traditional personal blog
How To Add A Blog To Your Custom Coded Website
If you are wondering whether to start a personal blog, either for fun or to build an online audience, this is the guide for you.
Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission. Please know that I only recommend products and services that I have personally used and approved. When you use one of my affiliate links, the company compensates me, which helps me run this blog and keep my in-depth content free for readers (like you).
A personal blog is about you and your personal experiences. This doesn’t mean you have to share the most intimate details of your life or that you have to create a complete catalog of what you eat for breakfast every day.
On a personal blog, you might write about how you reorganized your kitchen cabinets over the weekend, but your focus is on telling the story and sharing the little details of your life with your readers.
What Is A Blog
In a lifestyle blog, you can also write about how you reorganized your kitchen cabinets – but the focus will be more on the reader, perhaps offering advice on how they can follow the same process as you.
Tip: Many blogs combine aspects of personal blogging, lifestyle blogging, and perhaps other types of blogging. Check out my favorite popular blog examples for more information. There is no rule that says your blog has to stick to just one type of content.
Want to see some of the best personal blogs out there? Here are some examples to inspire you, including my own blog here:
My own blog started out as more of a personal blog — and gradually turned into a business over time because my readers started asking so many questions about how to build an audience and monetize your digital presence. If you look back at my earliest posts, you can see how focused they were
How To Start A Blog And Make Money In 10 Simple Steps
I currently make money primarily through affiliate marketing, along with sales of my own products (blogging courses and blogging books) and my work as a content marketing consultant. When I published the first few posts on my new blog, I only had a handful of readers and a lot of ideas I wanted to share about entrepreneurship.
Laura Vanderkam’s blog, Writing About Time Management, Life, Career, and Family, covers all of these topics, but has a very personal perspective on blogging. For example, Laura posts weekly “Wednesday Reflections” that focus on the details of family life, as well as links to various projects Laura is working on or places she has interviewed.
His “TBT Scorecard” posts are summaries of his performance on various metrics he tracks and focus heavily on his life rather than offering readers many hints or tips.
Blog. It’s actually a great personal blog and it says so in the sidebar. This is an example of a great personal blog from a very famous author
Choose Your Blog’s WordPress Theme (start A Blog: Step 5)
George could write a typical writer’s blog about things like his writing process and tips for aspiring writers…but instead, his blog is very focused on things that interest him. He covers things like the NFL, his experience with Covid in recent years, his travels, the Marvel movies and more, as well as details about his books and TV shows based on those movies, all written in a simple, conversational style. personal style.
Holly Lyle, another writer (you’re following a trend here), uses her personal blog to talk about her writing progress and sometimes tells anecdotes from her past. He also posted pictures of his cat, Sheldon. Her blog is a great way for her to connect with her audience: fans of her books and people looking for writing tips.
Designer Daddy is gay dad Brent Almond’s incredibly funny and heartwarming personal blog filled with life lessons, stories about family life and LGBTQ activism. Brent doesn’t post very often – about once a month – which is fine for a personal blog.
Designer Dad is not monetized, although Brent does include links to his illustration and design work on his About page.
Start Your Own Blog
So why would anyone start a personal blog? If you want to make money online, there are much better options. Getting into a niche like travel blogs or food blogs will likely make your blog easier to monetize.
But if you’re interested in blogging as a form of self-expression or as a new hobby, making money might not be what you’re interested in—or at least it might not be your priority. Here are some of the best reasons to start a personal blog.
Thinking about blogging as a potential side job or career path, but not sure how much you’ll enjoy it, or daunted by the technical side? Or maybe the cost of blogging seems out of reach right now?
Running a personal blog is a great way to dive into the world of blogging without having to spend a lot of time, effort and money.
Best Personal Website WordPress Themes For 2023
You can easily start a personal blog on a free blogging site: you can start your blog in just about 10 minutes without having to spend a single penny. You can write a new post whenever you want and see if you enjoy the process.
Is your favorite social networking site crashing? Or maybe you have a family member who doesn’t “do” social media. Writing a personal blog can be a great way to keep your family and friends up to date with what you’re up to.
You might start your blog during a particular transition in life – maybe you’ve just had a baby, for example, and you want to post pictures of your baby somewhere. Or maybe you’re traveling or studying abroad and want to share your experiences every week without having to email or WhatsApp multiple family members.
Another good reason to start a personal blog is if you want to build a personal brand. It’s especially helpful if you have a strong, distinctive writing voice: people may keep visiting your blog not just because they’re interested in the ins and outs of your life, but because they find it a fun read.
Calming Squarespace Website For A Personal Blog — Applet Studio
If building a personal brand is your primary reason for starting a personal blog, you may want to think a little strategically. How can you benefit from your blog readers? Perhaps you hope to write and promote a book, be a keynote speaker, or create a popular podcast.
Your goals may factor into the decisions you make early in your blog’s life. For example, you might want to use a professional blogging platform like WordPress rather than a personal platform like Tumblr.
I will walk you through the entire process of starting your personal blog. We’ll focus on using WordPress, which will give you the widest choice for your blog as it grows, but I’ll also offer some suggestions for other blogging software if you want to choose something. It’s completely free to get started.
However, before we get into the details of blogging software and putting your personal blog online, let’s take a look at what your blog will cover and what it should be called.
How To Create A Website / Blog With Bluehost
Most bloggers need a clear niche to pursue: a topic that fits their blog so that readers know what to expect from the blog’s content.
Freedom here. You don’t need to choose a specific topic like “travel,” “food,” or “parenting”… because your topic is you!
However, it’s a good idea to think about what kind of things you’re going to cover on your blog. This can help you focus when deciding what to write about on a given day. For example, you might want to cover things like:
Cover of your blog. Maybe you won’t bring up your life on dates or talk about health issues. Or you may decide that you will only talk about your children in passing instead of telling funny anecdotes about them.
Create Your Own Blog: 6 Easy Projects To Start Blogging Like A Pro: Hussey, Tris: 9780672335976: Books
With the growing number of topic-based blogs, it often makes sense to choose a blog name that fits your topic (for example, the Making Sense of Cents blog is for personal blogs.
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