How To Start Article Writing

How To Start Article Writing – This article was co-authored by Janet Peischel. Janet Peischel is a writer and digital media expert and owner of Top of Mind Marketing. With over 15 years of consulting experience, she develops online branding and content strategies for her clients. Prior to consulting, Janet worked in the marketing industry for over 15 years, in positions such as Vice President of Marketing Communications for Bank of America. Janet holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from the University of Washington.

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How To Start Article Writing

How To Start Article Writing

There are countless different types of articles, including news stories, features, profiles, how-to articles, and more. Although each article has specific characteristics unique to its type, all articles share some common characteristics. From generating and researching ideas to writing and editing your work, writing can give you the opportunity to share compelling and important information with your readers.

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This article was co-authored by Janet Peischel. Janet Peischel is a writer and digital media expert and owner of Top of Mind Marketing. With over 15 years of consulting experience, she develops online branding and content strategies for her clients. Prior to consulting, Janet worked in the marketing industry for over 15 years, in positions such as Vice President of Marketing Communications for Bank of America. Janet holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from the University of Washington. This article has been viewed 3,260,448 times.

To write an article, use both primary and secondary sources to gather information about your topic. Primary sources include photographs, government records, and personal interviews, while secondary sources include books, abstracts, journals, other articles, and reference books. As you write, use facts, quotes, and statistics from sources to support your points and explain your topic as if the reader has never heard of it before. Read on to learn about different types of articles, including news, features and editorials! Trying to write your article? You sit in front of a blank screen with a blinking cursor, write a sentence, hate it, rewrite it, nauseous… until a sinking feeling hits: the feeling that you don’t know what you’re doing.

The truth is that most of your colleagues in science and engineering also struggle with writing. Your writing problems do not make you a fraud. They make you completely normal.

But just because your writing is normal doesn’t mean it’s acceptable. You must learn to write if you want to survive in academia.

How To Write An Article?

Yes, I’m here to help. We will dig deep into your soul, conquer your writing problems and unleash your writing power! And in a world of struggling writers, that makes you a real fraud.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Thomas, I just came here to look for article samples. I don’t want to be a fraud. I don’t need to develop my writing ability.

That’s where you’re wrong, friend. Because until we fix your broken writing process, you will continue to struggle to complete your paper. You need more than just a good model. So here’s what we’ll do:

How To Start Article Writing

We will transform you from a shy amateur into a confident professional. Once we’re done, you’ll be back at that blank screen with the blinking cursor, with a deep, cruel laugh, wondering why writing an article feels so scary.

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This article is about how to improve your writing skills to help you complete your paper. And that means we’re going to discuss some specific tools to do that. But we can’t just introduce practical writing tips without first delving into your relationship with writing.

Maybe you hate writing. Maybe you have trouble finding words. Perhaps you find writing a tedious but necessary task. Or, most likely, you have to endure all three of these obstacles and more without even knowing it. You won’t become a better writer until we reveal these roadblocks for you to solve.

So think of this part of the article as a writer’s consultation session. Make yourself comfortable. Get a box of tissues. And let’s get to the heart of writing and talk about what makes it so painful.

If you’re like me, the more honest answer is that you write to impress others. You imagine writing a great article. Your supervisor will then respond, “Wow, this kid really knows what he’s doing!” And you gradually build your body of research.

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But when you want to impress others, your writing will suffer. You inflate your claim too much. You ignore the restrictions. You write defensively. And you disseminate your ideas by using verbose and complex scholarly language, which makes your writing seem formal and authoritative but ends up confusing your audience. . Your readers will not be impressed, but confused.

These actions also feed your impostor syndrome. Your wordy, defensive and excessive article will turn your project into something more impressive than it really is. You know that. But others don’t. And when you overconfidently defend that work, you feel like a fraud.

“The author of my study used authoritative language to defend his ego against aggressive feedback from his colleagues.”

How To Start Article Writing

I remember my supervisor’s edits on my first paper. Lots of red ink. So much. And my first reaction was to feel hurt. I made a lot of effort. But feedback focuses on errors that need to be corrected. I couldn’t tell if I was depressed or angry. But I definitely feel there is some injustice. Does something I put so much effort into really deserve so much criticism?

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Scholars are trained to make this kind of criticism. We ask questions, find the truth and promote a better version of that truth. This process advances science. But it also surrounds us with criticism. And it’s easy to take criticism personally. So we all feel the urge to defend ourselves – often through dramatic posts.

But criticism rarely attacks us. This is usually a sign of curiosity. People care about your work. They want to make it better, help make it succeed. So they criticize. And if we can control our emotional response to that criticism, we can use that feedback to improve our work.

When someone criticizes you, accept it optimistically. Ignore your defensive instinct. Resist the urge to use your writing to impress your critics.

Instead, remember that you write to communicate with your readers. Accept criticism and use it to make your work better—your readers will thank you.

The Tasty Way To Learn Article Writing (infographic)

Maybe you’re thinking, “I’m a scientist, not a writer.” Wrong! You are a scientist and a writer. And until you accept that, you will underestimate the value of writing. And your job and career will be affected.

In many ways, it’s not your fault. As a science and engineering researcher, you work in an environment that values ​​technical training over “soft” skills such as writing.

As a result, many years ago you abandoned writing training to focus on technical training. Consequently, writing became a necessary evil; something to fight for and achieve, but not something to improve.

How To Start Article Writing

Of course, you can continue with your scientific experiments. You can dive into the lab and have a chance to discover some interesting things. But how can you tell anyone about it? How are you going to finance it?

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And for that reason, writing is important to your work. Articles, grant proposals, conference abstracts, white papers, scopes of work, and other documents support and communicate your research. Of course, science comes first; without research you have nothing to write about. But your writing skills can make the difference between an accepted or rejected conference abstract, a funded or rejected grant proposal, a leading or mediocre journal publication.

It is time to take this impact seriously. Writing is essential to what you do. So you might as well try to improve it.

Yes, writing is hard. This is the truth. And I’m really sorry about that. After all that effort to convince you that you are a professional writer, this is a slap in the face.

But it is important to recognize this obstacle. Because you will find it difficult to write. And you will tend to think something is wrong with you.

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Writing is simply hard. Ask a professional writer. Or—since this is an article and not an interview—consider these quotes from professional writers:

“I am annoyed at my own writing. I am like a violinist whose ears are true, but whose fingers refuse to reproduce accurately the sounds he hears within.”

Everyone in your research team, in your department, in your organization struggles with writing. And just like you, they are afraid to admit that struggle.

How To Start Article Writing

Because, compared to technical training, we, scientific researchers, consider writing a “soft” and inferior skill. So we hope it will be easy. But not like that. And when we struggle with this “inferior” skill, we feel ashamed because we assume our colleagues have already mastered it.

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This confusion makes us question our abilities: can we really become a good researcher if we struggle like this

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