How To Start An Email List – If you want to make money blogging, building an email list should be a priority. Read my email list tips in this epic beginner’s guide to building email lists quickly from scratch! Get inspired and send your emails to a bigger audience soon. Make email marketing and newsletters your best blog asset. A free printable checklist is included.
You probably haven’t heard it before: money is in the list. But what does that mean?
How To Start An Email List
All the big girls with very successful blogs talk about how important your email list is and how you should make it your #1 priority from the start. At least if you want a blog that will make you money.
How To Start An Email List From Scratch And Grow It Big Fast
If you’re new to email marketing, collecting email addresses for the sole purpose of making money with your list may seem daunting.
And then all the tech stuff. Can you set up an email marketing system and make it work? How long does it take to do it yourself? And how much does it cost??? Can you put in the effort anyway?
But you haven’t subscribed to a hobby blog. You want to take your blog to the next level and still dream of turning blogging into a full-time gig. Or at least pay for some super fun family vacations yourself.
Did you see? This is why you want or need a group of people who are interested in what you have to say. Anyone who believes you when you tell them your product is worth the investment of time and money. Who wouldn’t mind paying for a product you made?
Why You Should Really Start Building An Email List
In this rich post, I’ll give you all the information you need to know about how to start your list today for free, how to get your first 1000 subscribers fast, and what mistakes to avoid when growing your email list.
By signing up for a newsletter, people say yes! They say they are interested in what you have to offer and want more from you than just the content on your blog.
Isn’t that amazing? It’s great to hear you’ve got your first subscriber or two! I remember that feeling very well and it was amazing! You want that too, right?
Then the blog content and list is the only thing you really own. You have complete control. There is no algorithm that can prevent thousands of people from reading your content. There is no risk that someone will decide you are spam and close your account. You don’t need exxy ads to get the best content in front of people.
How To Build An Email List: A Proven System For Getting 1,000+ Subscribers
From a financial perspective, your listing is your best chance for success. Email converts much better than a blog post or social media. (Source) Wow!
What I love most about the list is that I can be open and share personal stories in my emails. I don’t want to post this stuff on my blog for everyone out there. No. This is only for my people. They deserve it, and they have a behind-the-scenes look.
But how do you get there? Is it difficult or expensive to set up a complete email marketing system and start building your list?
Not. If you can navigate WordPress and create a blog post, you can do it. Damn
Ways To Start Growing Your Email Marketing List
I did and I can’t even use facebook on my phone because it’s too complicated for me. (No kidding. I recently gave up and deleted it.)
Now that you have a computer and an Internet connection, let’s see how we can get you started right now.
Don’t worry, we’ll cover a lot, but I’ve got a handy checklist for you at the bottom of this post.
The first thing you need is a partner. An email marketing service provider ie. They help you collect email addresses, keep them safe and deliver automated emails or a carefully crafted newsletter.
How To Build An Email List From Scratch Fastest?
They help you analyze how your emails are performing, and if you’re a little more advanced, they allow you to do a lot of crazy marketing.
My email marketing provider is *MailerLite and they are awesome. MailerLite is free for the first 1000 subscribers, so you can sign up risk-free.
I was very happy when I first logged in and everything was easy to use. I got everything up and running in no time. I put a basic signup form on my blog in minutes.
Now that you have a place to collect those signups, you can get down to business with your awesome freebies.
Do You Need Email Marketing For Your Tutoring Business?
Yes, you need at least one killer incentive! Or more. The hard truth is that no one, not even a single person, will sign up for your email list without an incentive.
For the first 15 months my blog had a simple WordPress signup form (or did it?) so people signed up to get the “latest” information and guess how many people signed up?
Not one person. Only one older (looking) guy from India subscribed to my feed via, but he’s not my target audience of time-poor blogger moms.
This is when I got serious about creating a list and created some incentives. Well, most of them.
Start Your Email Marketing With 2000 Niche Targeted Email List For $2
I ended March with 97 email addresses on my list. I reached my goal of 1000 subscribers in May. Stay tuned to learn more about how I got 1k signups in six weeks (and why I deleted half of those people a few months later) using only free resources. I will also tell you why I had so many freebies.
But first things first. Sign up for a GDPR compliant email provider. Since I live in Germany, I decided to go with one in the EU to make sure GDPR is important to them for me.
I need to use double sign-in. After signing up, people will receive a confirmation email and must confirm their email address. Only then can I send them my emails. For my posts, I need proof of when and with what IP address they were verified and actively registered.
I chose *MailerLite and am very happy with them, so I don’t see why I would leave them. Since I signed up via the invite link, they gave me a $20 credit right away. That’s right. Not only do they pay affiliates, they also pay new customers – if they come from a referral link!
How To Start An Email List: 7 Easy Steps (2023 Guide For Bloggers)
By the way, here’s a link to invite your friends and family to sign up for MailerLite and get a $20 credit to your name. Free to sign up (plus up to 1000 followers)! So there is no risk.
Another thing I love is their friendly customer support! It’s great and when I was working on building the whole list in the beginning, I would open a chat window and ask when I was working on something. Most of the time, I found real-time support.
If you get stuck or want to do something fun, *MailerLite has tons of videos and step-by-step tutorials to help you get everything set up.
. My most successful landing page is the *MailerLite template that I set up in minutes. I created a few pins to send people to the landing page and my list started to grow in my sleep. Their other templates include exit popups (have you seen mine?), sliding forms, or forms at the top or bottom of your page (welcome bar style).
How To Start An Email List On Your Brand New Blog (list Building Series: Part 1 Of 5)
You can use these templates not only to build lists, but also to send people to your Facebook page, for example, to follow you or to your affiliate sales page.
Once you reach 1k subscribers, you will need to upgrade to a paid plan. Any paid plan unlocks new features that make email marketing easier. Paid plans start at $10 per month.
If you’re struggling with financing, you can downgrade to the free plan at any time without losing your listing!
After signing up for your free account, add MailerLite to your blog by adding some code to your blog’s theme script. It sounds scary, but it’s as easy as copying and pasting. Copy the code provided by MailerLite. Go to your WordPress dashboard. Go to general settings, scroll down to the header bar and paste the code. Save and you’re done.
How To Start An Email List
In MailerLite, go to the Forms section and choose whether you want an embedded form or a button. Here’s a video that demonstrates the features of an embedded form in less than 3 minutes. Do not panic, because the shape looks very ugly. You have many options to customize it and add images. Some features have been released recently, so they may not be shown in the video.
This is an example of drawing on a form. I admit, I was not very creative. I didn’t create the image for a specific shape
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