How To Start A Narrative

How To Start A Narrative – It happens to the best of us: You open a new Word document, you’re faced with the many possibilities a story could take, and then you realize you have no idea how to start a story. Or you know, but you don’t know how to start

History. Or you know exactly what the story is supposed to be, but you can’t seem to find the words to begin with.

How To Start A Narrative

How To Start A Narrative

Regardless, there are many great ways to start a story, but just starting somewhere can be challenging. How do others do it?

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This article discusses the tricky concept of how to start a story. We’ll explore different strategies, examples, and ideas you can use to improve your own work. what we will see

To understand how to start a story, we should first examine what tasks should be accomplished at the beginning of the story.

No matter where your story begins, it must accomplish something for the reader. There are many ways to start a story, but without some context and intrigue, the reader won’t understand what the story is about or where it’s going.

Who is the main character in your story? Of course, as the story progresses, more characters may be introduced, but we should know early on who our protagonist is and some of the relevant relationships that make the story unfold.

Controlling The Narrative

Try to give the reader an immediate understanding of the protagonist’s psychology. Learn more about this in our character development article.

Where does your story take place? Stories usually begin in a safe place where the protagonist has not yet been forced to leave home. Or, if your protagonist isn’t on a physical journey, they’re still going through an emotional journey—one in which their home starts to feel less like home.

Establishing the relationship between the protagonist and his surroundings helps define where the story exists and where it will go. Learn more in our article on the five functions of literary context.

How To Start A Narrative

Establishing the relationship between the protagonist and his surroundings helps define where the story exists and where it will go. point of view

Let’s Start A New Story

Who tells this story from what perspective? Is it the protagonist himself, a close friend of the protagonist, or a distant third-party observer?

The point of view of the story may change over time, but as the story unfolds before us we should know immediately “who’s holding the camera.” Our article on narrative perspective explains this in detail.

The mood of a story refers to the overall emotional atmosphere conveyed by the work itself. It is both the emotion expressed in the work and the emotion the author wants to arouse in the reader.

Stories are often defined by a specific mood, and although a story’s mood is complex and changes over time, it should be established immediately through the author’s style and word choices. Here is a brief description of how literature creates mood.

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Although the mood of the story is complex and changes over time, it should be established immediately through the author’s style and word choices. conflict

Your story begins where the conflict began. No, there is no inciting incident in the first paragraph of many stories. But your story must identify early on the reason for its existence: the conflicts, disagreements, and contradictions that the story will develop and (potentially) resolve.

As we examine examples of “How to Start a Story,” notice how the beginning of each story establishes character, setting, mood, conflict, and point of view. Other elements of story writing, such as plot, style, and theme, develop over time, as do the original 5 elements. You can learn more about using elements of fiction in our article The Art of Storytelling.

How To Start A Narrative

Every story needs its own unique beginning. The ideas we’ve listed below can help you decide where to start your story, but think carefully about the intent of your opening line. Do you want to surprise readers? Place them in a historical framework? Or maybe to confuse the reader and create intrigue at the same time?

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Readers are curious: they enjoy participating in the social lives of story characters. Engaging the reader in a conversation is sure to pique the reader’s interest, especially if the conversation itself is interesting.

“Never the Gentle Master” by Brittany N. Williams is one such story that engages readers in conversation.

“It’s no good interfering in other people’s affairs.” Madal’s voice broke the silence of the study. “Especially Quar’s.” Kai moved suddenly, and the dried lavender broke in her hands, and the remaining fragrant purple flowers spread all over the table. The viciousness in her grandmother’s voice made her tremble as she spat out the name, but she didn’t dare to look up from her work.

“This man is meddling with the magic of death,” my mother said to Madal as she entered the studio, “and that is our business.”

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The story begins with dialogue and plunges us into tension: interference, death magic and workplace gossip. Writing dialogue has its own challenges; learn how to start a story with appropriate dialogue in our article “How to Write Dialogue in a Story.”

NOTE: Some people and publishers don’t like this way of starting a story because we know nothing about the characters until we hear them speak. If you start your story with dialogue, the dialogue should interest the reader, introduce conflict, and provide some characterization. Show us who the character is through their speech choices.

Conflict is the lifeblood of the story. Without conflict—man versus man, man versus nature, man versus self, etc.—there’s not much else to propel the story from start to finish.

How To Start A Narrative

Of course, conflict does not have to be total war. Yes, wizards dueling angry gods count as conflict. But it can also be something more everyday.

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For example, in Joshua Bohnsack’s “A Duck Walks into a Bar,” the conflict is a child’s struggle to understand the joke and his parents’ struggle to teach him about the world.

My son is trying to write a joke. He thought it would help him make friends and let people know he was friendly. He asked me to tell him if the jokes were funny. Most of the time he doesn’t know if I’m sincere or not so he asks me for clarification.

By starting with conflict, authors can get to the heart of what they are writing about without wasting time.

Stories take us to faraway places – places we’ve never been, times long ago, and places we can only dream of. Each character has some kind of relationship to their surroundings, and that relationship tends to suit them

Natural Approach To Stories

Beginning a story with a setting hooks the reader and creates an engaging atmosphere. In Kevin Barry’s Killary Fjords, the author does just that.

So I bought an old hotel in Killarifjord. It’s set against a stark backdrop by the harbor wall, with Mount Mweelrea stretching across the water and an ominous gray sky overhead. It rains two hundred and eighty-seven days a year, and the mood of local residents fluctuates greatly. That night the rain came down really hard, like a handful of nails hurled by a distracted god. I had been on site for eight months at this point and was becoming increasingly convinced that this would be my death.

By giving readers details about the place, its people, and its gloom, the author sets the tone for the entire story. In our article What is the setting of the story? Learn more about development setup in .

How To Start A Narrative

Backstory refers to events that occur before the current action of the story. While backstory doesn’t necessarily follow the storyline, it’s crucial to understanding specific information.

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Backstory provides context, and sometimes the author wants to get rid of the context in the first place. In The Missing Limo by Sanjena Sathian, the story explains why the protagonist becomes obsessed with

Watching The Bachelor should make life easier. I started getting into this field after working at my brother’s salon for about a year. I had a steady stream of clients, but no one particularly loved me. The problem isn’t my skills – I’m talented at hair removal and pretty good at manicures. The problem was with our Yelp review, which said “Ebrow threading is great, but there’s one girl who makes you open your eyes for a full minute before she starts, and she stares in a way that makes you feel like she’s trying to suck your soul out.” Me Think this is dramatic.

By establishing basic facts, the author uses backstory to develop the character of the protagonist and move the story toward the central conflict. NOTE: Don’t write too much backstory, just give us enough information to understand the context of the conflict before moving the story forward.

Conflict in a story can dramatically change the protagonist’s life. They may embark on a journey, a quest, or even be forced to live a life they don’t want. something

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