How To Start A Blog For Writing

How To Start A Blog For Writing – Although blogging requires writing as a core skill, most traditional authors (with a literary background) have a confusing relationship with blogging.

The good news: as a writer, you’re really good at using idea generation, storytelling, and narrative skills to start a blog.

How To Start A Blog For Writing

How To Start A Blog For Writing

Reality check: Starting a blog that attracts a large number of readers and generates a steady income will require learning many new skills. But you can learn them on the job!

How To Write A Blog Post (that People Actually Want To Read) In 9 Steps

In this article, I will walk you through the entire process of starting a blog, sprinkled with examples of several successful author blogs. You also get a plan to attract attention and become a sustainable business. Let’s start with understanding writing.

Seth Godin gave authors the following advice in 2006: “The best time to start promoting your book is three years before its release. Three years to build a reputation, get asset approval, start a blog, build a following, build credibility and build the connections you’ll need later.”

Godin’s advice still applies to every writer, regardless of the stage of their career. Starting a blog will undoubtedly increase your career opportunities.

Well, the democratization of distribution means you can publish your texts and connect with your audience without any intermediaries. You can build your audience and interact with them regularly. With enough existing readers, you can publish your books and keep a percentage of the profits from sales.

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A nurtured relationship with an existing audience is invaluable. This will ensure that people buy your thriller novel (or watch your show) the day it comes out because they know you and have read one of your blog posts – even if thrillers aren’t their thing.

By improving your writing through posts, you can still monetize your blog and earn a nice income on the side. How great is this?

Whether you’re a fiction or nonfiction writer, starting a successful blog requires a good content writer. While writing skills are helpful, most writers with a literary background do not produce coherent work. On the other hand, even casual writers with imperfect grammar still benefit from blogging.

How To Start A Blog For Writing

Maria Popova, author and blogger, writes to over 5 million readers each month at On the Tim Ferriss Show, he advises anyone looking to start a blog to “write for yourself,” not for the audience.

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“Write for yourself. If you want to create something meaningful and enjoyable, something that will last and speak to people, the counterintuitive but really necessary thing is that you shouldn’t write for people.

Although Maria believes that “you’re not writing for an audience,” if you treat blogging as a business – which you eventually will be if you want to continue doing it – you need to educate your audience on the topic and solve their problems.

However, remember that just writing for someone should not end your enthusiasm, otherwise you will lose the long-term game. My advice is to find the intersection between what your audience wants and what you want

Fiction writers typically use words to weave creative worlds that are merely figments of their imagination. They are the main source of entertainment and inspiration for readers. If you don’t already have a name on your published books, finding an audience through fiction writing is difficult. Better start a paid community or email newsletter for the same purpose.

How To Start Professional Blog Writing?

Nonfiction writers are better equipped to blog because of their existing understanding of their audience. They may have even reached out to you and heard about the issues their readers are having so you can address them. Additionally, your blog can serve as an organic extension of the ideas in your books and attract the attention of new audiences on the Internet.

Both types of writers can benefit from researching what people are searching for on the Internet – related to the topics they want to write about – and package their ideas into specific frameworks. This is mainly to get traffic from search engines like Google and can help you achieve blogging success quickly.

Although I will discuss these ideas later, I want to answer a question that some of you may be asking yourself right now.

How To Start A Blog For Writing

“I like to write for myself, on topics that interest me, and publish articles whenever I feel like it. Tell me, how can I be successful with a blog like this?”

Passive Income: How To Blog For Profit

If you are a writer and want to grow as a blogger, you may need to change your beliefs and attitude towards the craft.

Compared to a book, blogging requires serving readers more often – and on a consistent basis. This may require letting go of perfectionism and overcoming limiting beliefs about your writing skills. You can probably adapt the business philosophy that Gary Vee emphasizes: “Document, don’t create.”

At the same time, remember that a blog is not a publication. Many blogs publish mediocre articles by the second, so if your posts lack depth and quality, they won’t pay attention to them.

Success blogs are libraries of useful and always up-to-date articles that remain relevant for years. Put in a little more effort than others, but don’t waste months working on a draft article – insist on getting it published.

How To Start A Blog: A Step By Step Guide On How To Create A Blog

For some tests, a blogging survey found that spending more than 6 hours and writing lengthy articles that discuss topics in detail produces “good results”.

While writing is an important art, successful blogs are organized businesses. To succeed in blogging, you need to improve your marketing skills, network with other niche publications, and build relationships with people outside of the writing industry.

You need to spend a lot of time working on your blog, not here. The truth is that writing may take a backseat once your blog starts to grow. While this is something you have control over, you need to get comfortable with the idea of ​​hiring other professionals (like writers, editors, designers, marketers, and even programmers) to help you.

How To Start A Blog For Writing

Nonfiction authors are better candidates for blogging, but both types need to hone their skills. First of all, you need to be comfortable changing your relationship with your craft, otherwise blogging will be difficult. Once you’ve made the mental leap, take the first step towards starting a blog by writing below.

Essential Blog Writing Tips

You would think that starting a personal blog and sharing your daily life would be a hit on the Internet. But if you don’t already have a following for your work, you’ll have a hard time getting attention to your writing.

Fiction authors may feel that sharing characters from an upcoming novel might excite potential readers – but there’s a lot of buzz on the Internet these days. Few will adopt it without existing supporters.

I think the best way to start a blog is through the marketing practice of choosing a niche. This requires finding a narrow and focused topic that not only interests you, but has enough market demand to be profitable. Let me share three general tips that you may especially consider as a writer to make your blog financially viable:

Jane Friedman, a publishing commentator and blogger, introduced me to this term, which refers to promoting activities that encourage reading, writing, and publishing. This could include reviews of books by authors you like and highlight their work, but you don’t have to limit yourself to a book blog.

The Blog Startup: The Complete Guide On Being A Blogger, Discover All The Useful Information You Need On Starting Your Own Blog Today

You can expand it into a writing blog where you’ll find tips on how to be a better writer, tips on creating novels, developing characters, and even reviews of writing programs. Example: Writer and nonfiction author Bryan Collins reviews writing tools, shares practical writing advice, and interviews other writers in Become a Writer Today.

While you can expand your literary network significantly on this path, only do so if you’re willing to delve into the details of “writing” and talking to other authors. You also need to bring a unique approach to discuss these boring topics.

This solution is perfect for nonfiction writers, especially if they already have an understanding of the pain points of their audience. For example, Tim Ferriss became a pop culture phenomenon after the success of his first book, The 4-Hour Workweek. Discusses principles for increasing productivity, experimenting with your lifestyle, and more.

How To Start A Blog For Writing

His blog covers topics similar to his book, which is titled “experiments in lifestyle design.” In fact, six of his ten most popular blog posts through November 2017 were about speeding things up.

Writing A Good Blog

Joe Pulizzi, a content marketer and nonfiction author who recently debuted his Will Pollitt Series thriller series titled The Will to Die.

No, I don’t want you to cover current events. News articles likely won’t attract attention because you’ll be competing with many other media publications with thousands of employees doing the same thing.

If you want to highlight writing you find interesting, check out Brain Pickings, the blog of writer Maria Popova. He started with a weekly email to his friends. For example, how Maria Popova started it

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