How To Set Up An Email Newsletter

How To Set Up An Email Newsletter – Creating an email newsletter is one of the most effective ways to deliver value to your customers, entice them to buy more products, and encourage them to stay engaged with your brand. In general, newsletters are an important part of any high-performing email marketing strategy. They also have a significant ROI. On average, brands get $36 back for every $1 spent on email marketing. If you want to make sure you don’t miss a step when creating a newsletter, read on. We’ve put together a comprehensive checklist for anyone looking to send an email newsletter. How to Start an Email Newsletter When you start an email newsletter, you’re juggling many responsibilities at once. You need to review your copy, create compelling calls to action, design your email to work for multiple inboxes and devices, avoid spam triggers, and consider actionable subject lines click It needs to be resolved. And you must do all of the above while staying within the bounds of email law (yes, there is such a thing). And if you screw up any part of your email, it can’t be undone once you send it to your subscribers. If you are sending a newsletter, please check the following steps in your browser or print and upload it. You want to take advantage of these important steps. Ready to get started? Here are the steps to create the perfect email newsletter for your business or personal goals. Step 1: Choose an email newsletter tool. First, choose an email newsletter tool that fits your budget, goals, and technical skills. HubSpot offers one of the best email marketing tools you can use to send better and well-designed newsletters. It’s part of Marketing Hub, marketing automation software for small businesses. The email newsletter tool is easy to learn – there is virtually no learning curve, especially if you have experience using drag-and-drop page editors in content management systems. Even if you’ve never touched a drag-and-drop editor before, HubSpot’s email marketing tool is intuitive to learn. And you can start for free. We recommend that you start building your newsletter with HubSpot’s free tool, and we’ll include screenshots to illustrate step-by-step progress. HubSpot also includes many integrations and alternative email newsletter design tools, such as BEE Pro. Step 2: Determine the purpose of your newsletter. Learn about the types of newsletters you can send in our free email newsletter guide. Before you delete a single word, make sure you fully understand the purpose of the newsletter and how it fits into your broader content strategy. (Do you have one? Skip to the next section.) Will your newsletter drive you more traffic? Does it help you generate leads? Get more email leads? Sending traffic to your website? Or promote new products and services? Discover your purpose and let the rest of your decisions flow from it. You should also consider some key performance indicators for each of these goals. Remember, your KPIs should go beyond “how many people opened it”. Instead, it should be closely related to your overall business goals. Your email open rate can tell you how well your newsletter is performing, but it shouldn’t be the only number you care about each month. Here are some email marketing metrics to consider. Step 3: Choose a template and submit your content. Once you have a goal for your newsletter, it’s time to choose a template and find content for it. If you’re new to email design, I recommend checking out pre-made templates – it can save you a lot of heartache. If you use HubSpot, you can access pre-built templates in the email tool. Depending on the target time of your newsletter and how often you plan to send it, you can actively or passively search for content in the time between sending two emails. Functional means you’re looking for content that solves a specific goal. Passive means you randomly come across it while browsing other content, but you realize it might fit in well. When I write newsletters, I tend to do a lot of active searching, but I could save a lot of time if it was passive. Since I knew I had to send out a newsletter every month, bookmarking links throughout the month would have been a huge time saver. Instead, I would usually spend hours clicking the “back” button on mine, looking for content. How you like to collect content is up to you. Still, the best places to find content are your company, social media accounts, lead generation presentations, internal newsletters, and training documents. Featured Resource: Email Newsletter Lookbook Need inspiration on what content to include in your newsletter? The HubSpot Email Newsletter features some of the best email newsletters in every industry to help you plan your email newsletter. Step 4: Customize your template. A template is a good starting point, but it’s time to customize it. Using a template will give you an idea of ​​how your newsletter will look before you write the copy. This way, you will know exactly how much space you have to promote a piece of content; there are few things more frustrating than trying to squeeze copy into too small a space. Your template doesn’t have to be flashy or anything. Even newsletters with minimal text and color formatting will look great. The design should make it easy for your recipients to read, scan and click on the elements of the email. Pro tip: Use HubSpot’s AI-powered email writer to design your newsletters. The tool can generate your copy, and then you can choose a template that suits your needs. This means it should also be mobile friendly. According to data from Litmus, 41.6% of people open their email on a mobile device, 25% more than email opened on a desktop. In the Marketing Center, you can adjust your template by clicking on items and editing the specifications in the left panel. Check out this post for inspiration for a great email newsletter design. Step 5: Set the email newsletter size. Unfortunately, email newsletters don’t scale themselves when you send them to subscribers. But since everyone opens their email on their device and email service of choice, how do you know what size or resolution they should be? Most providers will default the size of your email newsletter to 600 pixels wide, with an additional 30 pixels wider around the body of the email. And when that happens, your newsletter content may not survive the adjustment. So make sure your newsletter design fits within this universal width of 600 pixels. What about the height? Ultimately, your email can be as large (or as long as) you want the email client to be without distorting its design. However, people are much less likely to click through to your website if the email takes forever, and even email clients with sensitive spam filters can notice this. As a general rule, try not to make your email recipients scroll more than a second before reaching the end. Step 6: Add your body content. Next: filling in the template with words and pictures. This will be the meat of your email newsletter, so spend time perfecting it. Most people keep their copy short and sweet to encourage clicks, although some notable newsletters take the opposite approach. This post can help you with email newsletter copy if you need it. Be sure to include some images if they can help your copy. Don’t forget to edit your email well, maybe even forward it to one of your colleagues. Remember that once you submit something, you won’t be able to fix those embarrassing typos like you can with web content. Ben Berkeley, editor-in-chief of The Hustle, says it should be clear to your audience what kind of value to expect from the newsletter, but make sure the content isn’t predictable. “What works about The Hustle is that we’re built around the core expectation that readers get the most relevant business and technology news in the fastest, most entertaining package, but every “email is full of surprises and topics that don’t you will have find anywhere else,” he explains. “The format is always fixed, but editorially there are no two repetitive emails.” Readers never know what they’re going to find, Berkeley says, but “they know it’s going to be worth their time to read— lo”. Step 7: Add custom tabs and smart content The best email newsletters I’ve had feel like they were written for me personally, like a friend took the time to craft a newsletter with things that only I want. I open them, click them, and share them every time. If you want your newsletters to feel this personal, you should do three things: separate your emails and choose content that only one group likes persona-specific Add custom tokens If your marketing software supports personalization, it’s a simple thing to implement that can significantly impact your conversion rates Pro tip: Add just a few personalization tokens; you don’t want to overwhelm your email

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