How To Read An Academic Article

How To Read An Academic Article – Academic journals are periodic publications in which researchers publish articles about their work. In most cases, these articles discuss the latest research. The journal also publishes theoretical discussions and articles that critically review already published work. Academic journals are usually peer-reviewed journals. Some, but not all, search engines that search for periodicals identify whether the source is from a peer-reviewed publication or not.

Obtaining publication in a peer-reviewed (also called “referred”) academic journal usually involves three or four steps. Submit a manuscript article for consideration. The journal editor will forward the submission to other researchers doing similar work who are qualified to review the article. Typically, editors will send submissions for review by three other researchers. Editors will evaluate reviews and decide whether to reject or accept the submission. Usually the response is in the form of rejection or acceptance depending on whether the author made revisions. If the author is asked to make revisions, he or she must edit and resubmit the article for the next round of revisions. Sometimes articles are accepted at this point and other times authors are asked to make additional revisions.

How To Read An Academic Article

How To Read An Academic Article

Academics write academic articles to share ideas with their peers, usually within their own academic discipline (e.g. physics, literature, psychology). Articles fall within the scope of: Research Reports: Presentations of original research or studies Literature Review Articles: Analyze existing research on an issue and suggest avenues for future research. Theoretical Articles: Analyze existing theories that explain observations and, often propose new theories or new theoretical perspectives Because they have followed highly specialized training, they often assume that their readers already understand some fundamental knowledge in the field, as well as its jargon . Jargon requires constant attention.

How To Read Journal Articles Quickly And Effectively

5 Select articles When searching for journals, databases, etc. that features dozens (or hundreds) of articles, you need to narrow down the list of ones to read. Read the Title: The title usually reveals the main theory or variable studied in the article. Read the summary: The summary will give you more information about the context of the theory and its variables to see if it relates to your topic.

Different things require different reading (e.g., telephone directories, dictionaries, novels, textbooks); Academic articles cannot be read as effectively as anything else. The contents of academic articles cannot be understood with just one reading. You have to approach it several times, but in different ways. Step 1: Read the entire article Step 2: Determine your purpose for reading the article Step 3: Read specific passages critically to meet your purpose

Skim reading utilizes normal conventions for structuring writing: placing important information at the beginning of a “chunk” of text and then building on it throughout the remainder of the “chunk.” Two types of “fragments”: paragraphs and sections of paper. fragment type: paragraph. In nonfiction writing, it is most common to place the key phrase of the paragraph at the beginning and then develop the key phrase. State, then outlined, is a general rule. Therefore, we can usually get a good understanding of what the author is saying just by reading the first sentence of the paragraph. You may have to force yourself to stop reading after the first sentence, but if the passage is relevant to your goals, you’ll come back to it. 2nd type of cut: section. In research journals, articles are divided into several sections, usually a summary, literature review, methods, results, and discussion. As with paragraphs, the general rule for sections is “state and then elaborate.” So, right after the section title, the first paragraph usually contains the important information for that section.

There are two parts that are often very helpful in understanding the article. Introduction Conclusion Here, a writer will usually end his section with a paragraph containing the important points. Now we can change the previous rule: So, read the first and last paragraphs of the Introduction and Conclusion sections completely.

How To Write A Research Summary — Everything You Need To Know

As you read the article, you may notice that the text is interrupted by a series of diagrams. Diagrams or pictures are generally intended to show an idea in a way that is easier to see and understand than text. As you browse, check the tables you find to see what type of information is displayed. If the information is relevant to your goals, you can examine it more closely later.

Combining speed reading strategies for two types of “chunks”, in each section you will read the entire first paragraph and then the first sentence of each paragraph. For the introduction and conclusion, also read the entire last paragraph. Read the topic of all tables and graphs.

The purpose of reading different articles requires attention to different areas. Topic Overview Focus on the introduction and conclusion. Research Ideas Read the introduction and conclusion, look for suggestions for further research in the conclusion, then read critically the methods section. Planning an Experiment Read the methods section critically. General Knowledge Please read the entire article carefully and make sure you understand everything. Assignments for a course Think about the purpose of the assignment. Read critically what you can use to achieve that goal.

How To Read An Academic Article

Treat critical reading as a skill for developing personal and academic responses. This can be developed through practices such as: Highlighting and looking up vocabulary and concepts you are unfamiliar with Noting the main ideas of a text and adding your own responsive comments Talking to others about what you have read Connecting a particular text to others in the syllabus Identifying similar themes or contrast. Explain what the text means to a non-specialist and note what you need to add to make the text understandable (this will help you see any unstated underlying assumptions). Ask yourself: “How can I convince my classmates/teacher that I understand what is being said?”

Sections Of A Paper

Treat critical reading as an attitude toward the communication of ideas. Think of reading articles as listening to someone else’s point of view on a particular topic. Keep an open mind to the fact that your previous ideas may be wrong. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that the author is always right. Remember that the authors of academic papers are trying to persuade you to agree with their ideas. Consider the influence of the author’s ideological affiliations and biases when writing the article and your own when reading it. Be willing to look up vocabulary and concepts in articles that you don’t understand to expand your knowledge and understand them fully.

…think about the following questions to help you read critically: What was the author’s purpose in writing the article/conducting this research? What is the main point of this text? Can you express it in your own words? What type of example to use? Are they useful? Can you think of anyone else? What factors (ideas, people, things) are included? Can you think of anything we missed? Are there any particular biases or frames that are apparent? Can you tell the author’s ‘school of thought’? Can you count the steps of the argument presented? Do all the steps follow logically? Could a different conclusion be drawn from the arguments presented? Is the main idea of ​​the text supported by reliable (well-researched, non-emotional, logical) evidence? Do you agree or disagree with the author? Because? What connections do you see between this text and other texts? How is it different from other texts on the same topic? What are the broader implications… for you, for the discipline?

As you continue reading to discover the subtle rhetorical ways the author uses to build his case, use the following questions to help you sort out the basic components of the author’s argument: 1. Evidence What evidence does the author offer to support his argument? position presented? (Identify all the evidence you find.) What is the nature of each piece of supporting evidence? For example, is it based on empirical research, ethical considerations, common knowledge, or anecdotes? How strong is the evidence? For example, does the research design adequately answer the question asked (#1 above)? Are ethical considerations adequately explored and evaluated? Have you read or heard anything on this topic that confirms or challenges the evidence? 2. Counterarguments What arguments are put forward against the described author’s opinion? Are these arguments conclusively refuted? What evidence is used in the rebuttal? 3. Effectiveness What are the advantages of this article? Is it difficult to read and understand? If yes, why? If not, why not? For example, were you able to follow the flow of the article from thesis to evidence? Does the sentence and paragraph structure and overall organization guide you and help you follow the author’s intent? Does all the material seem relevant to the point being made?

By knowing the purpose of each section, you will find what you need quickly and without getting bogged down in the complicated language of this academic topic.

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