How To Know If Your Spouse Is Cheating

How To Know If Your Spouse Is Cheating – Ok, so I get that my blog has been dating oriented, but LISTEN TO ME. My blog tends to be a reflection of me and what I experience in life. Since I recently went through a breakup, I’m really motivated to write posts like this, especially when I know it can help someone. I thought: why not, since it’s my blog and I can publish whatever content I like. Think of me as the big sister you’ve always wanted because not only do I give #zerofucks but I’m also open, down and real AF.

PS for REAL life, be sure to keep up with me @its on Instagram – it’s my only social network where I share a lot of exclusive content.

How To Know If Your Spouse Is Cheating

How To Know If Your Spouse Is Cheating

So finally now let’s see what this post is really about: identifying cheating behaviors. OK, so I know I’m no expert, but looking back on my 7 year relationship (now over), there were HUGE warning signs that my ex was cheating on me. I’m just sharing what I’ve seen and ignorantly ignored.

Signs Of Cheating

Honestly, I refused to believe he was capable of flirting with someone else (YUCK) and Itruly believed the best in him. Saying I loved him was meaningless and my love and faith in him completely blinded me. But anywayeeeeee, these are some of the things I should have called him to save myself a few years of humiliation and pain.

TRUST ME, I know you always want to believe the best in someone, but sometimes, if not always, actions speak louder than words.

If someone texts you, he talks to you continuously and suddenly stops, it’s not a coincidence. Something wrong. Chances are, if you ask a simple question like “how was your day,” you’ll get a half-assed response compared to previous times when he provided a lot of detail. Often this withdrawal is because they are filling that void by talking to someone else. By the time you send a message, they’ve already told someone in detail everything they did that day, so now they won’t want to tell you again.

Depending on how the other relationship is progressing, cheaters usually exhibit dramatic mood swings. They may criticize you or be kind and thoughtful. Unless someone has bipolar disorder straight away (very unlikely of course), there is a high probability that something is going on. They may blame work or family, but if the reasons are NOT solid, then you should be aware of other signs of cheating. I got a lot of excuses from my ex and they changed over and over because he couldn’t decide which one to use because obviously the real reason was that there was someone else, but he couldn’t say that, right?

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This is where your significant other might suddenly start gifting you with luxury items. If this isn’t something that would happen regularly in your relationship, perhaps you should consider it. I always like to believe that boyfriends can always be lovers, but sudden displays of extreme affection – not just material but also emotional/attentive – can be the result of one thing and one thing only: guilt.

My ex once told me that his phone was on airplane mode for date night and my ignorance was like “awww that’s cute that you don’t want anyone to bother us.” You can recognize the disturbing noise of the cricket. Let’s face it, no ordinary person who has nothing to hide is going to put their phone on airplane mode next to their significant other. It is clear that it is

I’ve never been one to dig the dirt. I never checked his Facebook account, I wanted to check his phone, nothing. Then, on the rare occasion that I wanted the password to his laptop while I wanted to innocently watch a YouTube video, he would start acting strange and type it in himself. Basically making it clear that he won’t give me his password. The same goes for his phone. I know my other friends would get angry, but I don’t have the courage to act like that, so I let it go. If you really have nothing to hide, it shouldn’t be a big deal to give your passwords to your significant other.

How To Know If Your Spouse Is Cheating

My ex stumbled one day when my sister sent me a photo of her at a club with a girl hugging him. When I told him about it, he went crazy, she deleted my closest friends from Facebook and blocked him. Extreme Ikr. There was a tendency to be very aggressive when I confronted him for cheating on 6157932759019. He could get so angry that he was even angrier than me (truth: something that led me to finally decide to cut him out of my life). Ummmm if someone can’t stay cool, calm and collected when he answers simple questions, then you should ask where that attitude problem comes from.

Top 6 Signs That Your Spouse Is Cheating

Your S.O. suddenly develop a new hobby without telling you? Drinking with multiple clubs? Do you go out more than usual, i.e. continuously without breaks? I would always let my ex out. I never checked on him or asked him where he was going. When he developed a new habit of living in the club, I told him “have fun”, “stay safe”. Clubbing wasn’t my thing anyway, so it didn’t change the fact that he wanted to be there and apparently (I realize now) obnoxiously drunk. Remember that he was

When did I meet him so I could be more careful? They turn sideways

Their entire existence was (and still is) centered around clubbing, smoking (EWWWWWWW) and drinking as their new “thing”.

When a man isn’t man enough (brave enough) to break up with you, he’ll start treating you badly in an attempt to reach a breaking point, hoping you’ll leave him. #VIGLIANO Basically this can be manifested through the behaviors outlined in points 1-7. Just remember, PLEASE, that anyone who truly loves you, will

Should You Forgive Your Husband If He Cheats On You

They want to make you feel any kind of pain. Be careful when someone tries too hard to push you over the edge.

If there are rumors of cheating and people come to you to tell you that your S.O. It’s a scam: be careful. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Rumors are always motivated by something. Random viewing with another person, photo/video, friend telling friend.

Question. For me, being a public person, I always deal with haters (some people were disgustingly aggressive when approaching me), so I could never believe what people said. But if 3-4 different people tell you something, then you should start paying attention. Do your research. Get more details. If I had done this in 2015, I wouldn’t have wasted another 2 years

How To Know If Your Spouse Is Cheating

Oh my gosh, I almost forgot, if someone gives you the name of your S.O. they are “together”, discover them on social networks. This part

Signs Of A Cheating Spouse: How To Recognise Red Flags By Private Investigation

I have been openly tweeting about my (ex) for YEARS. I have many screenshots where she is PROUD (yes, pride can be) because she wants “TITLE” to have “my man”, to “

Years”. IKR, the things people are proud of in life are amazing. But I mean, I expect that from someone who isn’t perfect at anything else, really.

When something is wrong in your relationship. I’ve had that bad feeling in my stomach since 2013/2014, but he’s gotten better at hiding bullshit, so finally

Fading darkly into the background. I didn’t know that he would come back like a beast for the next 3 years, when every year I met someone who told me that he was lying. #VITAPIKA Listen to that feeling if you ever get it. Chances are, you’re not far from the truth. The only thing is: would you like to listen?

How A Private Investigator Can Help You In Catching Your Cheating Spouse? By

Disclaimer: I don’t claim to be a makeup expert. These are just red flags that were there in my relationship. There could be a hundred other signs (manipulators are psychotic, I firmly believe) and some of the signs I have here may not be true for all people. These are based on my personal experience. Do you suspect that your boyfriend or husband is cheating on you? Your gut tells you something is wrong, but they keep saying they’re being honest with you. In this post we talk about how to tell if someone is lying about cheating. Uncertainty will drain your energy and stress you out. However, no one can hide the truth for long and one day your partner will make a mistake and you will be able to spot the lie and expose it. Read on as we list the signs of cheating.

Infidelity may not always manifest itself in broad daylight. other times,

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