How Do You Start Writing Your Own Book

How Do You Start Writing Your Own Book – By now it is known that many people want to write books, but only a few are actually able to do so. Writing instructor and editor Morgan Gist MacDonald suggests that self-doubt, procrastination, and lack of knowledge are the main reasons for this trend, and writes

To fight them. In it, she outlines an end-to-end strategy for going from a blank page to a finished manuscript, focusing heavily on defeating self-sabotage before you even begin and channeling most of your efforts into regular, consistent The focus is on writing.

How Do You Start Writing Your Own Book

How Do You Start Writing Your Own Book

, It addresses a lot of common sense, but it doesn’t feel like the author is copying what everyone else is saying – in fact, not only does it include some tips I haven’t encountered anywhere else, but this author Also gives perspective on some of what many other book gurus say (and I don’t always agree with them!).

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One of the most useful things about this book is how comprehensive it is. Where many other books and resources walk the reader through some parts of the writing process and onto others (or, more generally, marketing strategy), this book takes its time. And I don’t mean that it drags – its pace is actually great – I mean that the book makes sure to cover almost everything in the process of writing a book with enough depth that a reader Can think about a certain idea. , understand what and why, then think “yes, I could do that”. If you struggle with self-doubt, MacDonald explains why you shouldn’t let it control you. If you’re not sure how to organize your information, McDonald’s provides actionable steps to do so. If you’ve completed the first draft and aren’t sure what to do next (or are scared about what comes next), MacDonald goes to

In more depth than most book experts about what it takes to take a book from first draft to final version (and why it shouldn’t be scary). When he says the book walks you through the entire process step-by-step, he’s not kidding.

Another beneficial aspect of the book is its tone. Where the first two books reviewed in this series sometimes struggled to seem self-important, this book had no such problem. MacDonald’s tone is light, friendly, accessible, and even a little self-deprecating at times (his occasional “I do it!” when he does offer an example of noticeable writing tendencies. So that’s refreshing!). It’s clear that she knows her stuff and is here to train you, but she never talks down to anyone or overstates her experience. Instead, she comes across as someone who understands what you’re dealing with and wants to use her knowledge and experience to help you cope.

Although there aren’t many additional resources included in this book, the few that are there are top notch. Specifically, McDonald includes templates for readers to use when implementing strategies unique to their coaching strategy. For example, he has a special way of revising a first draft called a “reverse draft” (which, as far as I know, no one else teaches) – and so he’s included an example. How he used that strategy to revise his own chapter of this book, including both the original version of the chapter and the reverse draft he wrote of it. It’s incredibly helpful to take things that may seem more abstract because the reader hasn’t encountered them before and include specific guidance and examples that make those things more concrete.

How To Write Your Own Book In 2023

McDonald covers the revision and editing processes far more than the previous two books in this series, even describing what revision actually looks like, different types of editing, working with beta readers doing, accepting criticism constructively and many more. , This isn’t surprising, as Macdonald is an editor herself and manages several people on her team, but given how few books say anything on the subject, what she says is a breath of fresh air.

Finally, and this is probably the best thing about the book: it really emphasizes the writing you’re doing. Unlike books that teach strategies for completing a book in a weekend or creating a book yourself with minimal writing time and/or no actual writing, this book is more realistic on what it means to wake up. Provides perspective. Until writing your own book: that is, consistent, scheduled writing over several weeks or months. And MacDonald doesn’t mind that this writing won’t be easy or automatic. But it also involves a broader strategy

It’s easier and more automated so that putting in that effort feels like an accomplishment, not a chore. This book is worth reading for this guide alone.

How Do You Start Writing Your Own Book

The beginning of the book is a bit rocky. While the myth-busting approach taken by McDonald to defining author success is amusing, most of the myths are at least somewhat familiar these days, and the claim that anyone can write a book despite those myths is quite common these days. It’s getting tiring. The reasons for writing the following book are equally flawed; Some make a lot of sense, some don’t make a lot of sense (in particular, writing a book because you have a message, but you’re not sure which way of sending that message out into the world is right for you, and you’re trying Want to do) all of them, feels like a stretch). Along the same lines, the book places great emphasis on the “anyone can write a book” message, but it never addresses whether any particular readership

Tips For Writing A Book

, Frankly, this is part of a larger problem in the self-publishing industry rather than a problem unique to this text, but the fact that it appears here still means that the overall message of the book should be taken with a few grains of salt. Can be taken along.

Another potential problem with this book is that it only talks about the writing process. MacDonald is refreshingly honest about his lack of knowledge about things like self-publishing and book marketing strategy, but his lack of insight into what a reader might or will do with his book after he’s finished writing it is just that. It’s also a little disturbing. (For example, she suggests “owning a business” and “wanting to start a business” as possible reasons for writing a book, but does not elaborate on how to use a book in a business context.) Doesn’t tell from.)

The final chapter is also a bit of a tease and change in this regard. His title, “Finished Manuscript”, leads the reader to believe that he is going to talk about what to do next now that he has a finished manuscript (design, book launch, using the book in his business, etc. ) Is. Instead, Macdonald asks the reader to celebrate the completion of the book and encourages him to move forward with designing and publishing, but also says that he has taught the reader all he could. And now it’s time to part. The remaining few pages are invitations to connect with him in other ways and to review the resources he includes at the end of the book. It’s not bad really… but it’s not a chapter. This is the conclusion of the book. And calling it a chapter rather than a conclusion can be confusing and frustrating for the reader.

First-time non-fiction authors who want to write themselves (rather than pitch their book or hire a ghostwriter). Writers who want to see the writing process as something worth taking time for rather than something to be rushed. People are looking for detailed information about what it means to write a book.

Ways To Get Started Writing Your Own Book

Business writers who want to create a stronger connection between their business and their book when writing and/or are looking for guidance on how to use the book to grow their business. Writers are looking for publishing and marketing guidance as well as writing guidance. The type of CEO who wants to outsource their writing processes.

For starters, I loved how practical all of McDonald’s steps and instructions were. Many practical books in this industry teach in a “just do it” manner, where the reader is largely left alone to apply the author’s instructions to their own situations, and good luck if they can’t. MacDonald takes most of her teaching a step or two further, giving the reader enough additional detail to make it easier to make the connection between what she asks them to do and their own ability to do it. (As mentioned above, the templates and examples he provides help with this.) I’ve already written two books, but if I hadn’t, I would have learned a lot from McDonald’s here to prepare my own book. Could use some guidance (and I know I’ll want to use some of their advice when I start book #3!). This book simplifies authorship without (1) oversimplifying or (2) equating “simple” with “easy, no work,” and for that I give it serious endorsements.

I also really like how Macdonald talks about time. I mentioned earlier that he is one of the few writers

How Do You Start Writing Your Own Book

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