Going Into Labor At 37 Weeks – You can go into labor at any time – most women give birth two weeks before and two weeks after their due date. You’ll know you’re in labor when your contractions become stronger, longer, and more frequent.
Your doctor or midwife can check how dilated (soft and thin) and dilated (open) your uterus is. Dilation and deflation may not begin until you go into labor, or may occur gradually over several days or weeks toward the end of your pregnancy.
Going Into Labor At 37 Weeks
You’re close now, but doctors won’t consider your baby “full term” until 39 weeks. The next two weeks in the womb allow your baby’s brain, lungs and nervous system to fully mature.
Weeks Of Pregnancy
Most babies are born with a full head of hair, with locks ranging from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches in length. However, some children only play with Peach Fuzz. Don’t be surprised if your child’s hair color isn’t yours. Also, it may fall off within the first six months and regain a different color and texture!
You can’t see your baby’s true eye color at birth. Some babies are born with their final eye color, while other newborns have dark blue or slate-gray eyes that gradually change to blue, green, hazel or brown during the first year.
Your baby will continue to gain weight and the added fat will make their skin smoother. Fat padding helps keep you warm after birth.
Braxton Hicks contractions — the intermittent uterine contractions you experience throughout pregnancy — may now occur more frequently. As you approach delivery, Braxton Hicks may last longer and become more uncomfortable (if they’re really painful, they can be the real deal). Braxton Hicks often occurs when you are dehydrated, active, or have a full bladder.
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There is often a silver lining to Braxton Hicks or “practice contractions”. Unlike contractions earlier in pregnancy, Braxton Hicks in late pregnancy help your uterus to dilate and evacuate. It can develop the main event even faster.
Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between Braxton Hicks and true contractions. Generally, Braxton Hicks are not painful and come at irregular intervals. They will move away if you change positions or rest. Real labor is more intense. Contractions usually start in your back and move towards the front of the abdomen unlike Braxton Hicks which start in the front. Real contractions come regularly even if you move around or rest. Over time they become more intense and close.
After you start having real contractions, you may wonder when it’s time to go to the hospital or birth center. If your pregnancy is uncomplicated, your doctor or midwife may expect you to come until you have contractions that last about a minute, occur every five minutes for an hour, and are very uncomfortable.
Even before your baby is in your arms, your body is preparing for their first meal. This means that you may notice leaking breasts during the last few weeks of pregnancy. It can happen anytime, but when your nipples are stimulated, say when you’re exercising or having sex.
Emma’s Bump Day Blog, Week 37: The Season Is Changing
The liquid colostrum from your breasts is the first milk produced for your baby. It is thicker and more opaque than mature breast milk. It can also be glue. And it’s full of nutrients your baby needs and is often referred to as “liquid gold.”
If your breasts are bothering you or leaving marks, slip nursing pads into your bra to absorb the fluid. And if you don’t leak, don’t worry. This is completely normal and not a sign that your breasts are not ready to do their job!
By 37 weeks you may notice an increase in vaginal discharge and it may be clear, pink or slightly bloody. You may see your mucus plug, a thick mass of mucus in your cervical canal that prevents bacteria from entering your uterus during pregnancy. Once you are close to or in labor, the mucus plug may come out gradually or all at once.
You may also see some “bloody show” (bloody mucus) in the toilet or on your clothes. A bloody show usually appears simultaneously or shortly after a mucus plug. This causes the uterus to soften, thin, and begin to dilate in preparation for labor, causing some of the blood vessels in the uterus to rupture.
Labor Induction At 37 Weeks: What You Need To Know To Keep It Easy
If you have heavy spotting or bleeding or foul-smelling discharge, call your doctor or midwife right away. Also, if the discharge seems like a continuous leak or flow, call your provider. This could be a sign that your water has broken.
Keep monitoring your baby’s kicks and tell your provider right away if you notice a decrease. Even if your baby’s quarters are cozy, they should be as active as ever. As they become stronger, their movements may become more noticeable or painful.
Most of the time, you will experience movement throughout the day. But if your belly suddenly feels very calm and peaceful, pay close attention and count your baby’s movements. If you don’t notice 10 separate movements within two hours, call your provider. Reduced movement is a sign of trouble, and it’s always best to err on the side of caution.
Now that you are 37 weeks pregnant, your baby is filling your stomach, intestines and other organs. This can lead to many symptoms including gas, bloating, constipation and indigestion.
Our Di Di Boys Made It Into The World After 38 Weeks Growing Inside Of Me, 30 Hours Of Labor And An Emergency C Section. Thank You To Everyone On Here For Your Support
To prevent gas and bloating, eat small meals and don’t drink too much at once. After eating, take a gentle walk to stimulate your digestion. If you notice that certain foods (like beans or broccoli) trigger your gas, avoid them for now.
Although gas is a normal part of pregnancy, call your provider if your bowel discomfort feels like abdominal pain or cramping, if you have blood in your stool, or if you have severe diarrhea or constipation.
More than 60% of pregnant women experience back pain. Especially at this point in pregnancy, it can be very painful – but there are many ways to get relief. First, think about your posture. Try not to arch or bend your back. This is easier said than done when you’re carrying a full-term baby – though, try to stand as straight as possible.
Although it may sound counterintuitive, exercise can help lower back pain. Swimming has been a particularly good form of exercise for the last few weeks. Water takes stress off your bones and joints, including aches and pains. Pelvic tilts can also help with back pain.
Losing Your Mucus Plug During Pregnancy: What To Expect
Another relaxing solution? Prenatal massage to relax throat muscles. The afternoon before your baby arrives is a good time to treat yourself to self-care.
If none of these solutions help, talk to your provider. They may suggest other options, such as physical therapy or medication.
Figure out who you’ll tell after your baby arrives (or when you go into labor) and how you’ll spread the word. You can post updates on your social media accounts or call, text or email the big news. Old-fashioned mail publications are also beautiful.
Experienced parents will tell you that installing a car seat is trickier than you think. This isn’t something you want to leave to the last minute, so make sure your car seat is installed by 37 weeks. You’ll appreciate having one less thing to think about when the time comes.
Pregnancy At Week 38
If you’re unsure about your installation, take it to an inspection center where a certified technician can check that your car seat is securely installed. Search online for a technician near you or contact your local fire or police department. They are usually staffed by trained technicians.
If you suddenly find yourself wanting to dust all the baseboards, organize your books, or scrub the fridge, you may be nesting. It’s common: A survey of mothers found that 73 percent nested during pregnancy, usually a few weeks before delivery.
The nest looks different for different mothers-to-be. If you like to cook, you can prepare freezer meals or grab-and-go snacks for the postpartum weeks. Or, you can suddenly demand that the nursery is tidy and that the clothes are washed, folded and put away (laundry will never be adorable again!).
Even if the nest is perfectly healthy, don’t overdo it. Stay away from ladders, take more breaks and drink plenty of water during your busy days.
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At 37 weeks, it’s the perfect time to celebrate your bump. You may feel uncomfortable right now, and despite all the ups and downs of pregnancy, your body has done an amazing job of supporting and protecting your developing baby. So if you feel like it, go ahead and remember your almost full size pregnancy belly.
One day you will want to show pictures of your baby’s nine months of life, so take several photos of your belly. you
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