Different Ways To Tell A Story

Different Ways To Tell A Story – It’s a common problem for anyone working in the field of expertise: How do you get people to give up when discussing complex information?

How much you engage your audience depends on many factors. But one of these factors is often overlooked by communicators: how abstract language you use. It makes a big difference.

Different Ways To Tell A Story

Different Ways To Tell A Story

Such a passage can be useful for expert communication. But for many readers and listeners, overly abstract language can be very confusing and, frankly, very boring.

Story Telling (creating A Story)

Because abstract language is so common in science and politics, you’re probably used to it. This makes it harder to recognize, and even makes it more active.

The word “arthropod” probably does not cause a strong reaction from you. Perhaps “spider” is more effective. And what about “light brown tarantula with hair like a dinner plate”?

When you describe things in sensory terms—woolly, light brown, the size of a plate—you help your audience create a mental image. These images will bring you a vivid experience. This will attract more audience.

Let me give an example. A famous book about the destructive effects of pesticides on the environment is called

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As if pesticides killed all the birds. This is a much more effective way of getting the message across.

No matter how adept we are at abstract thinking, we experience the world primarily through our senses. Therefore, it is much easier for us to process sensory characteristics.

Sensory language is also useful for describing things we cannot perceive through our senses. For example, nanomaterials are sometimes described as “smooth” or “rough”. We may never touch these surfaces, but we can imagine what they are like because we know the roughness and smoothness.

Different Ways To Tell A Story

In 1957, the first artificial satellite “Sputnik” was put into orbit. Many people did not know what this new technology would look like. So a reporter from Time magazine included some specific details about the launch in his news article:

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“…Hundreds of miles above Earth, a polished metal ball like a beach ball crossed continents and oceans.

This Sputnik is polished, ball-shaped, and the size of a beach ball is probably not the most important thing to say about it. (For example, it was published by the Soviets.) But these small details were necessary to help Time readers imagine this novel. A more abstract definition is something similar

Recently, scientists have discovered a new and unusual appearance of microbes. One species that looks quite different from the known species is one that most people are not familiar with. Therefore, their appearance was described by a well-known scientific journalist as follows:

What was surprising about these microbes was that they seemed to belong to a previously unknown power. This means that the “tree of life” must be rebuilt. An image of a fuzzy pumpkin seed is a cartwheel carrying abstract information about biological classification. A strange mental image may help you remember this story.

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Most fictional stories are built around characters. The hero, the ugly duckling, Don Quixote: they carry the plot. You follow them through the story.

The use of characters in narratives based on information is less common, but no less effective. By using a persona, you can make your complex story more accessible and easier to understand.

So if your story is about people, don’t hide them behind abstractions. Describe them as real people.

Different Ways To Tell A Story

In a conversation about Alzheimer’s patients, you can describe a specific patient. Maybe seventy-eight-year-old Joanna, who can’t remember her children’s names, but loves to walk with them in the park.

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News of the super rich includes the handlebar moustache, Shahid Khan, whose $8.1 billion fortune includes a British soccer club and a 300-foot superyacht.

Isn’t your story about people? No problem. Anything that can lift the plot like a human character will do.

For example, corruption can be described in terms of the transfer of bribes. Or explain photosynthesis by describing it from the “point of view” of a carbon dioxide molecule. Or show how misinformation spreads online by recreating the spread of one conspiracy theory.

Complex processes are easier to understand when they are described from one point of view. Symbols provide a general flow that helps the reader navigate complex content.

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In 1997, Asian countries faced a financial crisis. This crisis threatened to spread to the American market. A financial journalist named Richard Reid asked his American readers to explain this.

Read knew they had no patience for abstract economic analyses. So he decided instead to focus on something very important: a batch of potatoes grown in the United States being sold as French fries at a McDonald’s in Indonesia.

These potatoes became the main characters of the story. And their trip to Asia became a common topic. From the potato farm, through the potato factory to the cargo ship that transports them to Asia. This allowed Read to talk about the people who cared for them along the way: potato farmers, truck drivers, fishermen and potato distributors – all of whom could be in crisis.

Different Ways To Tell A Story

By focusing on one batch of potatoes, Read could make a more abstract point: the American and Asian economies were intertwined.

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NASA’s current Mars mission has an ambitious exploration agenda. What is the chemical and mineralogical composition of the surface of Mars? Are there traces of the “building blocks of life”? What’s the weather like? – and many other research questions. The delegation managed to collect scientific articles on various topics. But it is certainly not accessible to non-experts.

Enter the Curiosity rover, which landed on Mars in 2012. This is the main character in the accessible story of this mission.

NASA actually shows it as a creature: it has a “body”, “eyes”, a robotic arm with a “hand” and a “neck and head” (a trunk with cameras).

In addition, NASA has given Curiosity a voice, or rather a Twitter account. In this way, the rover keeps the world informed about research and news. Now it has almost 4 million subscribers.

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With Curiosity, NASA created a vision to help humans complete the mission: a brave little robot on a distant planet. Looks great in this selfie:

The dictionary definition may give you an idea: “the purchase and improvement of houses and shops in run-down urban areas by upper- or middle-income families or individuals, increasing property values ​​but often displacing low-income families and small businesses. .”

But it is still abstract. What does ‘decline’ mean – houses falling down or crime and violence? And what exactly happens when you “escape”?

Different Ways To Tell A Story

An abstract definition describes similarities across the globe. But in London, Shanghai and Cape Town, gentrification looks different. Ignoring such spatial differences makes comparative analysis possible. This is the value of abstraction.

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But messy, colorful local reality is essential if you want to tell a compelling story about it for an unfamiliar audience. Real information about real people and their experiences will help shape your content for your audience.

You can, for example, expand the poor population in a previously segregated area in Cape Town. Describe how luxury hotels and apartments are built. Explain how this will raise his rent and how his neighbors and friends have moved out. Describe the sweeping streets and expensive shops that replaced its local food.

Global wealth inequality is often expressed in large numbers. You may have read somewhere that forty-two million people, or 0.9 percent of the world’s population, have more than $1 million. Or the richest 26 people have the same wealth as the poorest half of the world’s population, about 3.8 billion people.

But what does this mean for those involved? What is it like to have a million dollars? How much is ten dollars in Madagascar, Ecuador or Moscow?

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Clearly shows wealth inequality. In this project, the entire population lives in one imaginary street. Households are grouped by monthly income, with the poorest living at one end of the street and the richest at the other.

You can see pictures of everyday items in these houses. Click on the family, for example Paramanic family in Bangladesh, see kitchen, bedroom, toilet, toys, toothbrush. At the bottom of each picture is their monthly income.

You can also sort photos of all families by category. Choose “Kitchen” and you’ll see how people around the world cook – from open fires to built-in kitchens.

Different Ways To Tell A Story

A very prominent category is “most favorite item”. On the poor left side of Dollar Street, people value scissors, plows and, above all, passports and other official documents. On the right, people love RVs and Ipads.

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As it turns out, comparing what shoes people around the world wear, where and what they do

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