38 Weeks Pregnant Labor Signs – Most women give birth within two weeks of their due date. Watch for these signs that labor is nearing.
Fueled by an abundance of energy, you may find yourself cleaning the nursery, organizing baby supplies and freezing lasagna. Nesting is natural (and good!) – don’t try too hard.
38 Weeks Pregnant Labor Signs
While you wait for your baby to arrive, consider taking a virtual class on life-saving newborn CPROOpens a new window, baby sleepOpens a new window and physical achievementsOpens a new window from Lock learn.
Is A Headache An Early Sign Of Labor At 38 Weeks: Is Something Wrong?
Your baby’s fingernails and toenails are fully formed – their toenails reach the tips of their toes and their fingernails may go past their fingertips. Your baby may need to trim his nails soon after birth, so get those nail clippers ready!
Your baby is ready for their first photo: They have a nice layer of fat for smooth skin, they have lost most of their lanugo (except maybe some hair on their upper arms and shoulders), and they may have more hair on their head. also.
Swelling of the feet and ankles is normal in these last weeks, but contact your doctor or midwife immediately if you notice excessive or sudden swelling of the feet or ankles, more is mild swelling of the hands, any swelling on the face or swelling under the eyes. around the eyes or if you gain weight suddenly. This may be a symptom of a serious condition called preeclampsia.
But usually, swelling is normal. It can also be a sign of healthy blood flow to your womb – meaning your baby is getting what they need, even if it makes you a little uncomfortable.
Full Term Pregnancy Explained
When your uterus expands, especially in late pregnancy, it puts pressure on your pelvic veins and the veins that carry blood from your legs to your heart. That slows the return of blood, causing it to pool and force fluid from the veins into the tissues of the feet and ankles.
The best way to combat swelling is to relieve some stress. Move often and avoid sitting or standing for too long. Whenever possible, raise your legs. Something as simple as a stool to put your feet on while you work or a pillow under your feet in bed can make a big difference. Wearing comfortable shoes and compression socks will help your blood circulate when you stand. And always carry water with you – staying hydrated can reduce swelling, even if it seems silly.
Everyone talks about the lack of sleep when your baby is born, but you may notice that you’re getting less and less shut-eye. It may be harder than ever to get comfortable enough to sleep well at night. If you’re not sleeping well, you’re not alone: About two-thirds of pregnant women report insomnia toward the end of their pregnancy.
Good sleep hygiene can help. Avoid eating a lot or drinking too much water in the evening. An hour before bed, relax in a quiet, dimly lit room away from screens (yes, even your phone). Try reading a book or doing a guided meditation to help you fall asleep.
How To Know If You’re In Labor: Real Stories From 15 Moms
If that doesn’t work and you can’t fall asleep within half an hour, don’t stay in bed. Lying awake thinking about how you can’t sleep can make the problem worse. Instead, go to another room and read or listen to music until you feel sleepy.
Insomnia is usually harmless in late pregnancy. But if lack of sleep is affecting your ability to function — if you find yourself making mistakes while driving, forgetting food on the stove, or tripping more often — talk to your provider.
When you finally fall asleep, you may face a new challenge: intense pregnancy dreams. Expectant mothers often find themselves experiencing scary, fun, or erotic dreams. Scientists believe that the intensity of dreams during pregnancy is related to increased hormones.
Sometimes, dreams reflect what you’re thinking (or worrying about) while you’re awake. Anxiety about birth and becoming a parent can cause strange night hallucinations, especially late in pregnancy.
Signs Of Labor: Is Baby On The Way?
Other times, dreams have nothing to do with reality. So, if you wake up feeling flushed after dreaming about your ex, don’t feel guilty. It has nothing to do with your love for your current partner.
During your 38th week of pregnancy, you may experience sudden pain in your pelvis or groin. It is a terrifying sound of thunder that can be deafening. Fortunately, they are harmless and mostly short-lived.
Crotch often causes a sharp pain – some women describe it as feeling like an electric shock. It appears suddenly and disappears just as quickly, lasting only a few seconds.
Doctors think that a groin cleft happens when the baby’s head hits the nerves in your cervix and lower uterus. This condition occurs most often towards the end of the third trimester, when the baby falls to the bottom of the pelvis.
When To Go To The Hospital For Labor: The Complete Guide
Wearing an abdominal support belt can help prevent lightning strikes. When it attacks, try to switch positions to eliminate it.
Now that labor is getting closer, you may notice a change or increase in your vaginal discharge. Generally, white, creamy or clear discharge is good for health. Pink or red discharge may also be normal, but if you have sudden bleeding, call your doctor. Also, call if you have green, yellow or foul-smelling discharge or discharge that burns or itches – this may indicate an infection.
At 38 weeks, you may notice mucus coming out when you wipe or in your underwear. This is from your mucus plug, a mass of secretions in the cervical canal that helps protect your uterus from bacteria and other pathogens. As labor approaches, your cervix begins to dilate and dilate, which can loosen the mucus plug.
If you see some mucus, know that it is an early sign that labor is approaching. But that doesn’t mean your baby will arrive today or this week, so be patient. And if you don’t see mucus plugs popping up in your underwear, don’t worry — many women don’t.
Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Signs & Baby Development
You may also have (or not have) some “bloody shows”. This bloody fluid comes from the cervix because it thins before delivery. This is also a sign that labor will happen, but this does not mean that it will happen immediately.
For many women, heartburn is a challenge throughout pregnancy. At 38 weeks pregnant, heartburn and indigestion may be worse than before because your belly is getting bigger.
Now more than ever, it’s important to eat small, frequent meals if you’re prone to heartburn. If indigestion tends to occur at night, try sleeping with your chest elevated. That way, gravity will be on your side. Avoid foods that trigger your symptoms, no matter how tempting that bar of chocolate or cup of coffee is.
Another unwanted symptom to watch out for at 38 weeks? Nausea. It is often accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms such as bloating and heartburn. But if you suddenly feel nauseous or vomit, call your provider. This could be a sign of preeclampsia.
Weeks Pregnant: Baby Development, Symptoms & Signs
Unfortunately, serious complications can occur late in pregnancy. Be alert for symptoms that require you to contact your doctor or midwife.
There’s nothing better than coming home to a clean house with your new baby! See what other parents want to know about preparing for a newborn.
Now is the perfect time to think about how you will feed your baby. Breastfeeding can be challenging, so talk to an experienced mom in your life about the best tips for breastfeeding success.
If you have decided that breastfeeding is not for you or you cannot breastfeed, formula feeding is an excellent option. Even if you plan to breastfeed, you can review the basics of bottle feeding so that others can help you breastfeed your baby.
Pregnancy: 38 Weeks Bump Update
When it comes to feeding your baby, even the best laid plans can run into some problems. It’s important to expect the unexpected and have flexibility in your approach. A healthy, well-nourished baby and a healthy, happy mother are the most important outcomes!
All states require newborn screening tests for rare but serious conditions, including hearing loss, congenital heart defects and metabolic disorders. This test detects disorders that can cause long-term health problems or death if not diagnosed and treated promptly.
By week 38, you may feel like you know your baby very well. Still, it’s surprising how much your belly can change toward the end of your pregnancy. Your baby is still growing, and so is your belly! You may also notice that your stomach continues to drop, even if you don’t think it can go any further.
You may also notice some new sensations. Your uterus presses hard against your abdominal wall, stretching your stomach like a drum. Your stomach may feel very hard and heavy at week 38. After all, everything is packed very tightly.
Early Signs And Symptoms Of Impending Labor
By now, you’re probably familiar with Braxton Hicks contractions that can cause a tense feeling in the abdomen. This is very useful at this stage of pregnancy, can help to enlarge your cervix (thinning) and can
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